b'We want to make it clear to the market that plant-protein is here to stay, and this is not a trend.GS:There are many other plant-proteinthat design smart protein grains for food,ing for example. The system reveals the crops that we found, that are less relevantmust be sensitive to the client requests.natural limitation of each trait of inter-for breeding, although could be relevantest. It shows that for example, non-GMO from a nutritional or functional stand- ES: YOU HAVE RECENTLYsoybean could have low phytic acids, high point. We have to assess not only theDEVELOPED A NEW APP. CANprotein and could maintain the oil con-potential but also the feasibility of extend- YOU TELL US A BIT MORE ABOUTtent. Or that chickpea could have diverse ing current markets or introducing a newTHAT? functionalities, from holding water, emul-one, based on biodiversity potential. WeGS:We have learned that there is a gapsification or texture creating.check that the germplasm diversity is notbetween the food industry knowledge narrow making sure that the variety thatabout the natural capabilities and theES: WHICH INTERESTING exists in nature is not too limited.actual values we can bring from nature.INNOVATIONS DO YOU HAVE IN Our app, the product profiler providesTHE PIPELINE?ES: WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTSthe food technology access to a world ofGS:We are working on multi-trait changes ON THE PLANT BREEDINGopportunities. Until now food manufac- of the legumes. Our innovation will be INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIESturers had very little awareness aboutin creating application-based products (SUCH AS CRISPR-CAS) THATthe diversity that exists in nature. Choice(seeds) in soybean, pea, sesame and chick-ALLOW PLANT BREEDERS TOwas limited to the specifications theypea. We will increase the protein content DEVELOP NEW VARIETIES FASTERreceived. We found that nature has a lotby more than 50% and we are also work-AND MORE EFFICIENT? more diversity to offer. The app serves asing on improving the amino acid score GS:We think that every technology hasa direct communication channel that, for(by locating rare varieties with better its importance and is relevant in thethe first time, will strategically link a seedamino acids score and cross breed them market as long as it is safe. CRISPR isbreeding company with food companies,with commercial varieties). We believe an important step in the improvement ofcreating a unified language for all stake- we could reduce the cost of plant-protein crops, but it is limited in its capabilities.holders and along the supply chain fromalso as a viable cost-effective alternative For our multi-gene regulated crops it isfarm to fork. For example, to breed for ato meat protein with better taste and func-less relevant, but it is great for marketsspecific protein composition that providestionality. We want to make it clear to the where only yield is relevant. The publicspecific functionality. Such knowledgemarket that plant-protein is here to stay, acceptance is limited and we, as companycould lead to a lesser need for process- and this is not a trend.38IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'