b'on the date of the UKs departure fromjurisdictions. This would increase theThe CPVO participates actively in the EU on 31 January 2020. As a con- administrative burden and potentiallythe UPOV BMT working group and we sequence, Distinctness, Uniformity andtake more time and increase costs. have also set up an expert group to look Stability (DUS) reports established byWe often receive requests regardinginto these issues. This group is called the UK examination offices cannot bepotential co-operation with the UK afterIMMODUS and stands for integration used anymore by the CPVO as basis forthe transition period. However, this ques- of molecular data into DUS testing. It is granting a Community plant variety right. tion will have to be addressed once thelimited to a number of selected experts, Since 1 February 2020, the UnitedEU and the UK have agreed on the overallmainly Europeans, and functions on the Kingdom has withdrawn from the EUstructure of the future cooperation. one hand like a think tank that reflects and has become a third country. Theon the use of BMTs and on the other Withdrawal Agreement provides for ahand, assesses and proposes concrete transition period ending on 31 DecemberES: WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THER&D projects including experimentation 2020 and, until that date, EU law in itsUSE OF MOLECULAR TOOLS INand trials such as genetic and epigenetic entirety applies to and in the UnitedVARIETY TESTING? markers, for variety testing. We hope that Kingdom. ME : I believe that the use of molecularR&D projects in this field will lead to the During the transition period, it istools in variety testing has just startedcreation of common databases and effi-business as usual for applicants andand in the medium term we will see majorciencies in DUS testing.plant variety right holders in the EU.developments. As a world leading PVP Once the transition period will end, appli- Office we must be in the front row andEditorsNote:thisispart1of cants and holders of Community Plantmake use of new technologies that canCelebrating 25 Years of CPVO. Part 2 Variety Right established in the UK willimprove and make testing more efficient.is planned to come out in August 2020have to designate a procedural represent- For this reason, biomolecular and molecu-ative domiciled or having a seat in the EUlar techniques (BMTs) are among CPVOs territory. All in all, the work of the CPVOR&D priorities. While DUS examination has not been severely affected.models presently rely on phenotyping The major effect will be on appli- assessment, we support the development cants who, after the transition period, willof BMTs in the sense that it can be of 4 TOP SEED need to file applications in the EU and thegreat help to increase plant variety tests UK if they desire protection under bothefficiency and accuracy. SOLUTIONSFOR YOUSince 1980 weve been passionate creators of high-performance agricultural seed.Our expert seed developers are dedicated to always producing highest quality seed options with your on-farm challenges in mind.Get in touch today to learn more about how our ever-growing range of premium seed can work for you to achieve bigger returns on your farm,this season and every season.1 2 3 4ALFALFA/LUCERNE FORAGE SORGHUM GRAIN SORGHUM SUNFLOWERPremium highFast-growing Latest qualityHigh yield & protein stockfeed feed for herds germplasmhigh oleic oil ALFALFA FORAGE SORGHUM GRAIN SORGHUM SUNFLOWER Ernst Topitschnig ernsttopitschnig@swseedco.com Q369_ESMPhone +43 664 111 42 9936IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'