b'SINCE YOU ASKEDBY: NIELS LOUWAARSWE ARE THE GUARDIANS OF MODERN AGRICULTURE!T he Farm-to-Fork Strategy (F2F) oftrol them? If we had known that neon-the Green Deal, presented by theics would be gone so quickly we wouldnt European Commission in May 2020have put the resistance breeding against triggered a wide range of responses. Ityellowing on ice, a sugar beet breeder is a move back in time; finally policytold me. There is a fair chance that such attention to sustainability; the goals arequestions will become more explicit, for impossible; it doesnt provide a sustain- There will beexample in new VCU criteria. In that case, able business model for farmers; thisit is better to get started soon! transition is unrealistic in such a shortno Green DealIn addition, similar for the seed pro-time, et cetera.without the ducer: every year the demand for organ-Also among breeders, different reac- ically produced seed has to be estimated tions could be heard. A broadly sharedseed sector. for the next couple of years. Where to one is that we see ourselves (togetherfind seed growers who can produce with the fertilizer and agrochemicalwell under organic conditions? How to industries) as the originators of modernavoid over-production? Will it become agriculture and as such as the caretakers(or remain) a commercially interesting of global food security. F2F challengesmarket? Will policy makers realise in the yield paradigm and thus hits us intime that also organic farmers need the our heart. Our seeds of uniform varietiesguarantees on seed quality and identity supported mechanization; by changingthat conventional farmers are so used to? the growth habit of plants we made themcan bring forward these dilemmas, but itAnd that breeders need to be rewarded more responsive to higher soil fertility;is up to politicians to weigh the availablefor their work?by making crops more resistant to pestspolicy options.All in all, the Green Deal will give and diseases we contribute to yield sta- We have been very good at servingsome headaches, but will also provide bility and product quality. That is all truethe diverse farming systems in Europeopportunities for those breeders and and we can be proud of it. However, whenand beyond with good seedspecific vari- seedsmen who predict the changes in policy makers have a vision to replaceeties for particular uses, soil and climaticfarmers needs best, and act upon them such modern high-input agriculture withconditions, and markets. Compared to 50most effectively. As with any other stra-more organic, agro-ecologic or other icsyears ago we are much better at targetingtegic decision, these are fraught with that they consider more environmentallyour customers more precisely, which alsouncertainties and risks. The bottom line sustainable, are we the ones to opposetranslates in the increased genetic diver- is though that the more complex farming such a Brave New European agriculture orsity among varieties that we supply. Thebecomes, the more important a good start should we spend our energy to capture thenew policy is likely to make farming sys- iswith the right seed! Such seed will opportunities that these policies bring? tems to diverge even more. Will it favourcontain more and more value and should Yes, we are a very knowledgea- breeders when the demands on varietalcost a bit more too. Every farmer needs ble sector, and we can assess a rangecharacteristics become more diverse or isgood seedand we have the capacity to of dilemmas within the F2F Strategy.it merely a headache and a cost to marketprovide them with it. We should continue Reducing soil fertility levels necessarilya wider product mix? In the end, we willto consider ourselves the originators and goes hand in hand with reduced output ofremain the seed suppliers! guardians of modern agriculture, but the major crops and so will more space forNow that these policies get clearer,when the meaning of modern changes protein crops and plant based industrialthey are necessarily part of the breederswe need to redirect some of our actions raw materials, more organics, and morestrategic reality. Should we give moreand avoid forcing ourselves in the defence. space for nature. Reducing chemical cropemphasis on selecting the very bestThere will be no Green Deal without the protection before suitable alternativesvarieties for lower soil fertility? What isseed sector.are available leads to yield and qualityresilience under climate change; should losses as well. The F2F Strategy alsowe look more into root architecture? AndNiels Louwaars is the Managing wants nutritious food to be affordable forput more emphasis on resistances againstDirector at Plantum. This article does all; how to do that with output reductiondiseases, even though we hardly seenot necessarily reflect the views of all and stiff conditions for imports? Yes, wethem because chemicals currently con- Plantum members.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 35'