b'SPONSORED CONTENTINCREASING THE RESILIENCE OF THE GLOBAL FOOD SYSTEMINTERVIEW WITH CORTEVAS NEW MARKETING LEADER IN EUROPE, MONICA SORRIBASC orteva Agriscience is committedCOMPANY FOR ALMOST 18 to advancing sustainable agricul- YEARS NOW. WHAT MAKES IT SO ture to enrich lives and our planetINTERESTING TO WORK FOR THIS for generations to come. The companyEMPLOYER? has established 14 goals to achieve byPreviously with Dow AgroSciences and 2030 that will increase the resilience ofnow with Corteva, what has really con-the global food system. A good momentnected with me is the thrive to always put to interview Monica Sorribas, recentlyfarmers in the centre of everything we do. appointed Marketing Leader, Europe forWe have also now gone one step further Corteva, and get her take on Cortevasand really ensured we have consumers, all push for sustainability. of us at the end of the day, in the centre of our work. I also enjoy very much our Q: MONICA, CAN YOU TELL ME Aculture at Corteva, it has been an amaz-BIT ABOUT YOUR BACKGROUND?ing journey to bring three organizations It is a bit of long story, as I have movedtogether with Dupont Crop Protection, significantly and have spent last 10 yearsDuPont Pioneer and Dow Agrosciences working in the U.S. after my initial stepsand through the merger create one team, working in Europe. I am always proud toone organization as Corteva with the same say that my background is in agronomy,mission and vision. We are a big great and all my career has been connected tofamily and it has been a true privilege grower needs and how, in our legacy com- working with great professionals and now panies and now with Corteva Agriscience,more in depth in Europe.we understand what those needs are soMonica Sorribasthat we bring the right product to the rightQ: YOU RECENTLY MOVED FROM location for all our farmers. A little bitIOWA OVER TO EUROPE. CAN YOU more about my background, I started myin our Johnston, Iowa Global BusinessSHARE WHAT WILL YOUR MAIN career in research in Spain working withCenter leading globally the developmentROLES BE OVER HERE? crop protection products and seed, mainlyand launch of new product and technol- I started my new role as Marketing Leader focusing on corn and cotton. Moving to theogies across Seed, Crop Protection andDirector for Corteva in Europe on July 1, U.S., I led one of our research centres onDigital efforts in Corteva. and am responsible to develop the regional the West Coast, California, to then movemarketing strategy across our business to our Indianapolis headquarters where IQ: YOU STARTED OFF AS Aunits in Corteva, Seed, Crop Protection and was leading one of the projects on seedFIELD BIOLOGIST AT DOWDigital, and working closely regionally, lev-new technologies Enlist Weed ControlAGROSCIENCES BACK IN 2003.eraging our global innovation and overall System. More recently, I was workingSO, YOU HAVE BEEN WITH THEassets, while acting locally. 16IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'