b'CPVO headquarters in Angers, France.can only be marketed if they comply with set DUS and VCU standards.For the CPVO it is important to maintain the strength of the DUS testing system for plant variety rights. A variety thatFor the CPVO it is important is protected must be described in a sufficiently precise manner in order to distinguish it from other varieties. However, uni- to maintain the strength of formity standards could be reviewed. For both plant variety protection and listing purposes uniformity standards must bethe DUS testing system for set. The UPOV Convention relates the uniformity standards to the way of propagation of a variety. We are starting to reflect onplant variety rights. Uniformity the matter with UPOV and examination offices on how to deal with the recognition of the OBVs and we participate in workingstandards could be reviewed.groups organised by the Commission. In order to develop a framework for the future commer-cialisation of OBV, a new temporary experiment is foreseen, that should start in 2021 and last for seven years. The CPVO isof registration of heterogeneous material and organic varieties. actively involved in the setup of that experiment consisting, forMoreover, the CPVO organized within the INVITE project in instance, in drafting adapted technical protocols for the testingcooperation with FIBL, a stakeholder workshop in order to of OBVs. explore needs of organic breeders for variety testing of OBVs.In this context, the CPVO is participating as a stakeholderEU Regulation 2018/848 could of course lead to some in a European Project called LIVESEED whose objective is aboutunwanted results depending on how it is implemented. However, boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe. WeI do not see it as a threat. I believe that new times require new have exchanged with the European Consortium of Organic Plantreflections and the CPVO is ready to find ways forward that con-Breeding (ECO-PB) to discuss the opportunities and challengestribute to the general good. EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 37'