b'BREEDING HISTORY / BACHELORS BUTTONExploring the innovations and breakthroughs of breeding throughout generations of plants.1837-1901 19221930s-1940s 1968IN THE VICTORIANA WREATHNEW VARIETIESBECAME THE NATIONAL ERA, UNMARRIEDMADE FROMCREATED USEDFLOWER OF ESTONIA.MEN OFTEN WOREITS BLOOMSIN HOME CORNFLOWERS INWAS FOUND GARDENS TODAY.THEIR SUITIN THE TOMBBUTTONHOLES AS AOF KING COURTING GESTURE,TUTANKHAMEN. EARNING THE FLOWERS THE NAME BACHELOR.ORIGINBachelors buttons (Centaurea cyanus) commonly referred to as cornflowers,exhibit the most vibrant shade of blueamong all garden flowers. Centuries ago,it was so common in Europe that theycovered entire fields.1937is when Jubilee Gem was introduced and stands out as the most azure among the traditional varieties.John F. Kennedyhad a fondness for Bachelors Buttons. He cherished the flower to the extent that he wore it on his lapel on the day he married Jackie as a tribute to his father.THE FLOWER IS SAID TO BE ABLE TO TELL THE FUTURE OUTCOME OF A NEW RELATIONSHIP.Carry a head of the flower in your pocket, and if the flower remains vibrant the following day, it foretells an enduring future for the couple.According to legend, the Bachelors button was tied to Greek mythology when Chiron was attacked with an arrow but cured with the flowers powerful nectar.Sources: Exotic Flowers, Harvesting History, Specialty Produce54/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2024'