b'habits among farmers mean that somethat shouldnt be present in their cur- seed directly deprives seed developers of may contribute more to the system thanrent crop, its a concerning indication oftheir rightful royalties. And given that others, leading to questions about itspotential cross-contamination or seedthe royalties theyre currently collecting long-term sustainability, he added. mixing. Even if the farmer isnt aware ofare already insufficient, this only exacer-Webb, who in addition to beingthis, the risk of inadvertently introducingbates the issue further.president of Seed Check Technologiesforeign genetic material into their cropIts important to respect these laws in Leduc, Alta., is also a certified cropincreases with each generation of savedand support the proper channels for inspector, said one of the most surprisingseed, he said. acquiring seed, ensuring fair compensa-aspects that often goes overlooked is theThis scenario highlights the criticaltion for the developers and the continued consequence of buying seed from a neigh- importance of maintaining genetic purityprogress of our agricultural industry, bour or repeatedly growing saved seedin seed production, he said.Jackson said. without purchasing new pedigreed seed. The panel also offered farmers some When this happens, the checks andhelpful tips on better understanding traceability mechanisms that ensureCanadas seed system and the importance genetic purity are no longer in place.of safeguarding it.For instance, during a field inspec- Considering the importance of sus-tion at a pedigreed seed growers farm, iftainably funding our breeding programs,To watch the entire panel discussion,I discover traces of an old wheat varietyJackson noted that brown bagging ofvisit seedworld.com/crossroads-panelCFARMS_24-010_East_Potatoes_Germination_8-5x6-58_Ev2.pdf 1 2024-02-16 3:02 PMGot empty seed and pesticide bags? Start returning them May 1.Cleanfarms collection program helps producers manageCLEANFARMS ALSO COLLECTS OTHER EMPTY AG PLASTICS empty agricultural small and large bulk bags.FOR RECYCLING AND SAFE DISPOSAL. CHECK FOR PROVINCIAL DETAILS.TAKE THEM BACK TO YOUR AG RETAILER FOR SAFE DISPOSAL BEGINNING MAY 1.Get free Cleanfarms collection bags from ag retailers. LEARN MOREPlace small empty bags into collection bags; to avoid dust, dont shake; tie bags.Flatten & fold large bulk bags (100kg) into bundles of 5 or 6. Tie with twine.Return full collection bags and bundles to ag retailers.In PEI only, empty fertilizer bags are accepted at designated collection sites. info@cleanfarms.caThank you for helping to keep empty ag bags out of landll and the environment. @cleanfarmsFind a collection location near you at csmap.cleanfarms.caMARCH 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 25'