b"2 0 1 820 MOST INFLUENTIALin the European seed sectorLON BROERSBOARD MEMBER OF KWS SAAT SELon is a plant breeder through and through. After his PhD in plant breeding from Wageningen University, he focused on breeding small grain cereals in Mexico, and vegetable breeding in The Netherlands. He joined KWS in 2007 as member of the board, responsible for global R&D. He realizes that climate change, limited resources and higher pro-ductivity requirements are making breed-ing more complex and he is a strong proponent of innovation in plant breeding, including new breeding methods. Lon has been very vocal on this topic, sharing the latest breeding methods, such as how genome editing can make an important contribution to a more sustainable agri-culture. This will allow breeders to more rapidly achieve breeding goals, such as improved plant resistance to diseases, pests and abiotic stresses.PETER BUTTONVICE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF UPOVSince taking the helm at UPOV in 2010, Peter has overseen the expansion of UPOV coverage from 71 to 94 countries world- PAOLO DE CASTROTRUELS DAMSGAARDwide, with new members (7) from Africa,VICE CHAIR OF THE AGRI COMMITTEECEO OF DLF SEEDSEurope and Latin America. Five existingIN THE EU PARLIAMENT For 35 years, Truels has been committed UPOV members also moved to the 1991 ActPaolo De Castro has been a member of theto the international seed industry. At DLF, of the UPOV Convention. He has alwaysEuropean Parliament since July 2009. Hehe has built up a strong international been adamant that intellectual propertychaired the Committee on Agriculture andpresence and, since taking over as CEO protection is crucial to achieve maximumRural Development from 2009 to 2014, leadingin 2006, Truels has been the driving force benefits for agriculture from plant breeding.the European Parliaments negotiating teambehind the developments of the company. Peter strives to bring together compellingduring the reform process of the CommonThe company is now the worlds leading information, from various sources, on howAgricultural Policy for the 2014/2020 period.marketeer of cool-season clover and grass the UPOV system of plant variety protec- He also coordinates the Parliamentaryseed species, a leading player in sugar tion (PVP) has been effective. He is theAlliance Fight against Hunger, to developbeet seed, has a strong presence in the driving force behind the development ofproposals and actions to raise awarenessvegetable seed business, as well as a foot-UPOV PRISMA, the online tool which helpsand sharing ideas on food security. In the pasthold within the seed potato world. Under breeders to make PVP applications withfew years, Paolo has been arguing the EUTruels leadership, DLF has expanded participating UPOV members. This willshould embrace innovation more in order toimmensely through acquisitions and the greatly facilitate the challenging process ofboost food production and further cut the envi- establishment of new subsidiaries allowing protecting plant varieties around the worldronmental impact of farming. He has statedthe company to gain a stronger foothold in and will increase the possibilities for farm- that new plant breeding techniques are aother continents. Truels is well known in the ers to have access to better varieties. unique opportunity to move toward more sus- international seed industry and assumed tainable agriculture and simultaneously meetthe position of President of the International EU consumers' demands. Paolo strongly feelsSeed Federation (ISF) from 20102012.the techniques will be crucial in the challenge to ensure enough, safe and quality food is available for all.10IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM"