b'INSIDERSSEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESThe Control of Chironomids in Rice CultivationDOMINIQUE MARQUET-SAGET Seed Applied Technologies Leader CortevaRice is one of the most valuable crops invarious foliar applications of insecticidesfor its application. All regulatory stud-the world. In Western Europe, Spain and(Pyrethroids) on adults without achiev- ies done attested a very low toxicity on Italy are the main producers.Rice produc- ing a full control. mammals and an exceptional selectivity ers of these countries face, in some areas,TheLumiviasolutionfromfor parasitoids, pollinators, and beneficial damages from the rice water weevil (akaCORTEVA is a unique, innovative andpredators.chironomid). Consuming roots, larvae ofconvenient seed applied insecticideConsequently, this helps growers chironomids constitute the most damag- that protects rice seedlings from larvaeachieve strong and uniform rice stands ing pest during the establishment of ricedamage on roots. Formulated with chlor- leading to a secure yield. The cultiva-cultivation in those plots where directantraniliprole, it is the first insecticide oftion of rice will then develop a good root sowing is performed on a sheet of water. this family authorized for the treatmentsystem that favours a strong anchorage The long duration of flooding favoursof rice seeds. It acts on chironomids byto the land and a better use of fertilizers.the increase of populations of chirono- ingestion, causing the immediate cessa- Two years after the launch of the mid larvae, which can destroy practicallytion of feeding and the subsequent deathproduct, the Spanish team is undergo-all the seeds and seedlings if the periodof the affected insect. ing a fast growth with the product and of maximum pressure of the pest coin- Its application, located in the seed,achieving an important market share and cides with the period of greatest sensi- entails a low environmental impact,excellent results with this technology. tivity of the crop. Farmers in the Deltasince it avoids the dispersion of the prod- Thanks to complementary actions they Ebro area in Spain have been fightinguct, as it happens also with the loweringplan to cover most of their market in the with this problem for a long time usingand raising of the water level in the plotnext campaigns with Lumivia.CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSWe Did It Again!CELINE CAUHAPECorn Market Development ManagerEuralis SemencesTo complete our grain corn portfolio,The more parent lines are geneticallyity. This network permitted us to find we are proposing a second-generationdistant, the more powerful the heterosisthe first-generation hybrids adapted to of varieties of our very original andand hybrid performance. Moreover, thisthese conditions, such as ES GALLERY, exclusive genetics: the Tropical Dentnew and original genetic group combinesES BRILLANT and others. Since 2010, family. This second wave of corn hybridsvery well with the different existingour research and development network offers several efficient and stable varie- genetic groups in maize: European Flintof 190 locations covers the whole range ties regardless of growing conditions. Aand American dent. There is a wide possi- of possible climatic conditions in Europe. real craze grows around this new gener- bility of combination, providing varietiesOur germplasm is tested in all these envi-ation where the cultivated areas of thesewith a high variability, adapted to everyronments from the first stage of breeding. maize varieties are increasing quickly, asmarket need.This wide network allows identification of more and more farmers rely on its per- Thanks to these varieties, the com- two kinds of genetic material: one that is formance. pany has introduced originality andadapted to high potential situations, and After 15 years of research, we devel- combining ability in its product portfo- one adapted to stress situations. After oped a portfolio of 1st generation newlio, enriched with performing and genet- recombination of these two materials, products in 2013, called Tropical Dent,ically varied individuals. This new wavethe second generation of Tropical Dent which is exclusive to our Euralis breed- of hybrids comes from a new researchwas achieved with varieties that are ing program. These varieties are geneti- approach started in 2010. We strength- more efficient and stable to strengthen cally very distant from other corn sourcesened the diversity of conditions, particu- our position in the grain corn market: ES and that allows Euralis to increase thelarly stress tolerance, to respond morePERSPECTIVE, ES INVENTIVE, and ES heterosis effect. This effect, also calledstrongly to stability criteria. Before thisFARADAY. The strengths of these hybrids hybrid vigour, is the enhancement of thedate, our research network was mainlyare reinforced in all the varieties of this performance of a hybrid compared to itslocated in Western Europe where grow- new generation.parental lines. ing conditions are standard of good qual- To be continued46IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'