b"REGIS FOURNIERCEO OF MAS SEEDSIn 2018, Regis completed the transformation of Maisadour Semences into MAS Seeds underlining its position as an international seed company with activities not only in corn but also sunflower, oilseed rape and alfalfa and many others. Over the last decade, Regis significantly developed its business, by expanding its territory in the Center East EU countries and Ukraine, among others. Regis is part of a young generation of seed leaders in Europe, and in recognition of his activities, he recently took over the role of President of the ESA. Prior to that he had been very active in the French Seed Association UFS, one he has chaired since 2013. CARY FOWLERSPECIAL ADVISOR (AND FORMER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR) AT THE GLOBAL CROP DIVERSITY TRUST Cary's career in the conservation and use of crop diversity spans 30 years. Prior to joining the Crop Trust, he was Senior Advisor to the Director General of Bioversity International. In that role, he FRANOIS DESPREZ EDUARD FITO represented the Consultative Group on CHAIRMAN OF MAISON FLORIMONDPRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONALInternational Agricultural Research (CGIAR) DESPREZSEED FEDERATION (ISF) in negotiations on the International Treaty Francois has been the Chairman of theEduard is Director of Corporate Affairson Plant Genetic Resources for Food and French family company Florimond Desprezand Business Development at Semillas FitoAgriculture. He oversaw the UNs first for more than 20 years, remaining amongwhere he has held a number of roles sinceassessment of the state of the worlds crop the leading companies for cereals in1994. Between 2002 and 2012, Eduard tookgenetic resources, and its first global plan Europe. The company also leads in unprec- on various roles in the company, develop- of action adopted by 150 countries. Cary edented development, with the acquisitioning the vegetables and field crop business.played a key role in the creation of the of SESvanderHave in sugar beet seeds andSince 2018, he has been the President ofSvalbard Global Seed Vault. He headed Germicopa in potatoes, as well as with thethe ISF, where he has been adamant aboutthe international committee that assessed total turnover of the group. respect for intellectual property (IP), whichthe feasibility of establishing a seed vault, Beyond those significant business suc- is paramount for the seed industry to thrive.developed its scientific and operational cesses, behind the scenes Francois isThis may mean to change the way the seedplan and has been a central figure in one of the most respected specialistssector makes money by embedding IP invirtually every aspect of its development of the seed sector, and his insights areits business models. He strongly feels thatfrom the beginning, including serving as highly valued and considered a reference.respect for IP, together with freeing the waychair of its International Advisory Council. Consequently, he has many responsibilitiesfor innovation by all playerslocal, multi- Plant breeding and the seed sector cannot in different decision bodies in Europe, e.g.national and public sectorwill achievesurvive without crop diversity. Dr. Fowlers as the President of GNIS and SICASOV inthe ISF goal of providing quality seedsactivities have ensured the conservation France or member of the ESA Board.to every single farmer on the planet. Inof plant genetic resources for present and addition to his role as ISF President, Eduardfuture generations.is also a board member of the Spanish Seed Association (ANOVE) and of the Anti-Infringement Bureau (AIB).EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 11"