b'ALL Actors in the Chain Need to Work TogetherEU PARLIAMENTARIAN NORBERT LINS SPEAKS ABOUT THE FARM TO FORK STRATEGY.BY: MARCEL BRUINST he European Green Deal sets out how to make Europe theprocession, retail to the consumers. Ideally, the strategy should first climate-neutral continent by 2050, and has severalthus look at every angle and identify measures for more sustain-policy areas such as Clean Energy, Biodiversity and theability from the Farm to the Fork. The strategy can be a success Farm to Fork strategy. The Green Deal itself seeks to addressif all actors have the feeling to be included and their input and the challenges of sustainable food systems and recognises thework is valued. Let me give you an example: In my home State inextricable links between healthy people, healthy societies andBaden-Wrttemberg in Germany, a citizen initiative threatened a healthy planet. The Farm to Fork strategy pursues the issueto divide farmers (including organic farmers) and the popula-of food sustainability as well as the support allocated to thetion in the question of how to best protect bees. While it was producers, i.e. farmers and fishermen. By 2030, the Farm to Forkvery likely that this fight would end up in nothing productive, Strategy foresees in a reduction in the use of chemical and moreboth sides and both ministries (environment and agriculture) hazardous pesticides by 50%; reduce nutrient losses by at leastsat together and found a compromise which was on the one hand 50 per cent, while ensuring no deterioration on soil fertility;acceptable for the citizens and NGOs, but also, and more impor-reduce fertilizer use by at least 20 per cent, and has a goal of 25tantly, had the support of the farming community because it did per cent of total farmland being used for organic farming. Asnot threaten their business. This example shows what the Farm many of these goals seems rather ambitious, European Seedto Fork Strategy needs: first, cooperation and acceptance and sat down with Norbert Lins, Chairman of the EU Committee onsecond, recognising that there is rarely a single correct solution Agriculture and Rural Development (ComAGRI) to learn moreto any problem. Whereas I like the idea of the strategy, unfortu-about the Strategy, right from the inside of the EU Parliament. nately, what we can see now, it focuses too much on the Farm part, rather than the whole chain. EUROPEAN SEED (ES): CAN YOU INDICATE IN A NUTSHELL WHAT THE FARM TO FORK STRATEGY TRIESES: AND HOW DOES THE STRATEGY LINK TO THE TO ACHIEVE? GREEN DEAL?NORBERT LINS:The Farm to Fork Strategy aims at creatingLINS:Whereas the Green Deal defines an overarching goal for a toolbox and long-term holistic vision for a sustainable foodthe EU to become greener, the Farm to Fork is the Green Deal for chain by including all actors across the chain, from production,the agricultural and food sector. Other than in other sectors, in 10IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'