b'INSIDERSTURF AND FORAGEThe Road to Turf Sustainability KLAUS K. NIELSENChief Scientific Officer DLFFinding a dish that suits everyones dietsition- or quality - will destabilize rumenseveral similar studies show the same can be a real pickle. The same is trueequilibrium and penalize milk produc- phenomenon. So, why are grass-clover for dairy farming. For cows in stable,tion. So, to alleviate any seasonal effectmixtures not used more extensively the nutritionists would recommendon forage, he will stack the different cutsthroughout Europe? The direct answer an energy-rich diet composed of twoin one silage pile or feed bales of differentis convenience. In order to keep the third concentrates and one third forage.cuts together. The overall digestibility ofoptimal ratio between clover and grass The farmer would perhaps change thehis silage will depend on species, varie- the farmer has to keep an eye on the ratio in favor of more forage since it isties, and cutting management. Each cut,crop and by fertilization stimulate grass home-grown and therefore cheaper. Theand especially the first, should be takengrowth when clover tends to get on top. environmentalist would recommendat the right moment. That is exactly whenMany farmers, however, incorrectly perennial forages, because perennials inthe forage is heading. One way to inferbelieve that it requires undue amount general have deeper root growth and takesome flexibility here is to grow mixturesof work to keep this balance. With regu-up residual nitrogen better than annuals.of grasses with different heading date orlar estimation of clover/grass ratio (e.g. The climate-activist would definitelyeven better add some clovers to the mix- through a phone app), the rest is simple recommend the forage to be as digestibleture. Recent results from a scientific feed- management by online product guides. as possible in order to decrease methaneing study, demonstrated, that mixing inClover-grass mixtures comes with a very emission. How can we satisfy everyone?50% white clover to a perennial ryegrassimportant bonus too: They need less fer-that was cut much too late (visible spike- tilizer! With new legislative constraints LETS LOOK AT IT FROM THElets), organic matter digestibility couldin several countries this might become FARMERS PERSPECTIVEbe increased from 77% to 80% and milkan important incentive to try it out. So, His first priority is to earn his living andproduction from 31 to 35 kg ECM per day.go aheadthere is nothing to lose, but keep his animals healthy by maintaininga lot to win for you, your cow, your bees, a stable year-round supply of balancedTHE CLOVER-EFFECT your environment, and your climatefeed. Any sudden change in feed compo- Scientists call it the clover-effect aseverybody loves that dish!SEED HANDLINGTop 3 Mistakes When Investing in an Optical Colour SorterARON DEMETERHead of Segment Grains & PulsesBhler SortexWhile optical colour sorters are not yetence, e.g. during the holiday season, orous parts, such as cameras, software or commonplace in the seed sector, moreif one of the engineers is sick. Haltingthe circuit boards, and make sure they and more seed companies are startingyour production for several days becauseform a perfectly finetuned sorter that fits to invest in them. So, I thought it wouldyou are waiting for an engineer to comewith the exact needs of the buyer.be a good idea to share the top threecan cost a whole lot more than the initialAnd a third common mistake is most common mistakes companies makeprice difference. Add to that, that youthat potential customers buy from inex-before purchase and how to avoid them. will probably use the machine for 5 - 10perienced sellers who do not speak the One of the first mistakes that pro- years, then a calculation of the savingsnative language of colour sorters. I have cessors make is only looking at thefrom buying from a supplier with a goodmet suppliers who could not explain the price. They often want to buy the cheap- network can easily be made.workings of machine in detail or were est machine, and thereby ignore otherA second mistake is that buyerstargeting the wrong crops with their important aspects of their investment. Indo not test or do not want to test themachine. Seed sorting is a highly spe-addition to price, potential buyers shouldmachine. They do not make the effort tocialized job that requires a lot of detailed also consider the size and distribution ofcompare the machine of supplier A withand crop specific knowledge, plus many the service network. Imagine you have anthe machine of supplier B. The technol- years of experience. So, dont take any issue with one of your sorters and have toogy may look the same but looks can beshortcuts!wait a long time for an engineer to comedeceiving. This is because some suppliersTo summarize, when youre looking and repair it. Having a good support net- merely bring together some off-the-shelffor your next colour sorter: dont buy on work with multiple engineers, that speakparts and somehow the machine works,price alone; dont buy without testing and your language, can make a huge differ- whereas other suppliers design the vari- dont buy from inexperienced dealers. 18IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'