b'LETTUCE GOA CLOSER LOOK AT OUR FAVOURITE SALAD INGREDIENT, ITS BREEDING AND ITS CHALLENGESPART 1: CLASSICAL BREEDING.BY: MARCEL BRUINS & TREENA HEINI n each issue, European Seed takes a close look at one of theabout 1750, cultivars had been created that still survive today. many crops that European plant breeders are working on.The crop also became popular in North America, but by the late In both this issue and the February issue, weve put lettuce1900s, lettuce was grown around the world. It is reported that in the spotlight. Below, leading breeders comment about let- in 2017, China produced over half the lettuce being grown on tuce markets, breeding goals and challenges. In the FebruaryEarth. Lettuce contains high levels of antioxidants (vitamin C issue, they will focus on regulatory challenges, access to genet- and polyphenols) and fibre. ics and innovation. Our industry experts are: Olaf Zonneveld, Global R&D Crop Lead Salads, Syngenta Seeds; Roel Veenstra,RANGE OF VARIETIES Crop Research Manager, Bejo Zaden; Alfonso Garca, LettuceMaraldi currently breeds only babyleaf lettuce and Bejo a few of Breeder, Meridiem Seeds; Johan Schut and Jair Haanstra,the main types. Rijk Zwaan, Syngenta and BASF offer most or Lettuce Breeding Managers, Rijk Zwaan; Lisa Zaccaria, Lettuceall of the main varieties, such as iceberg, romaine, Batavia, but-Breeder, Maraldi; Gowtham Prakash, Pre-Breeder leafies andterhead, babyleaf, crunchy, gem, incised leaf, multileaf, crystal, Peter Visser, R&D Crop Technical Lead for leafies, artichoke,lollo, and oakleaf lettuce, some in conventional/organic, indoor/okra, asparagus and celeriac, BASF Vegetable Seeds.outdoor, and hydroponics/soil-suited varieties. For Meridiem, iceberg lettuce is important, and it markets varieties of this let-ORIGINS AND MARKET EVOLUTION tuce for many different areas/growing seasons and uses. Also, There is evidence that the cultivation of lettuce (Lactucain the romaine and little gem typologies, there is a continuous sativa) began as far back as 2680 BCE. It has most often beendemand for more competitive varieties, says Garca. The spe-used for food, but like many plants, it also has historic signif- cialties and baby leaf type also have importance in our breed-icance in the areas of religion and medicine. It was originallying program.farmed in ancient Egypt for its seed oils and also for the edible leaves. Lettuce was considered a sacred plant of Min, god ofMAIN BREEDING TARGETS: YIELDreproduction. It was carried during festivals, used in religiousAs with the breeding of all crops, both agronomic and mar-ceremonies and its image was added to tombs and wall paint- ket-oriented traits are critical to each lettuce varietys success. ings. As time went on, the Greeks and Romans grew lettuce andThe market for this vegetable is extensive, and Visser explains by 50 CE, there were many different varieties. From the 1500sthat because its affected by many factors (cultural preferences, to the 1700s in Europe, more varieties were developed, and byuses, requirements for different production systems, climates Lettuce seedlings in the field. Source: Meridiem Seeds6IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'