b'VARIETY: KESIACROP: EGGPLANTBREEDER: RIJK ZWAANAubergine variety Kesia was recently launched by Rijk Zwaan and is its first vari-ety in the CleanLeaf series. This represents a new generation of aubergine varieties with very few trichomes (hairs), making inte-grated pest management (IPM) easier, and helping growers to cultivate residue-free products more efficiently and predictably. In addition, the variety has a good shelf life, which leads to less food waste. Consumers have high expectations in terms of organic produce and low pesticide levels. With this approach, the company enables sustainable production and helps retailers to achieve their sustainability goals. Not only are the plants themselves hairless, but so too is the calyx of the aubergine, plus it is greener compared to conventional varieties. This makes it more appealing to consumers since they associate this greener calyx with fresh and green.VARIETY: NS BLACKSTARCROP: SOYBEANBREEDER: THE INSTITUTE OF FIELD VARIETY: GREEN QUEEN VARIETY: INNOVATOR AND VEGETABLE CROPSCROP: ARTICHOKE CROP: SHALLOT NS Blackstar is a soybean variety with a BREEDER: BASF BREEDER: DE GROOT EN SLOT black seedcoat, resulting from polyphenolic Artichoke Green Queen is a hybrid varietyThe shallot variety Innovator was devel- compounds or anthocyanins. In addition, that offers advantages to growers, traders,oped after years of breeding by De Grootthe variety contains other polyphenols, e.g., retailers and consumers. It has a strongen Slot, in cooperation with Bejo and is thederivatives of flavan-3-ol (twice as high vigour capable of coping with variousfirst downy mildew resistant shallot fromcompared to grapes or apples), isoflavone, soil and stress types, while producing theseed. It is a hybrid variety with a slightlyquercetin, larycitrin, and isorhamnetin, desired head sizes and uniformity requiredlonger bulb and a distinct colour, whichindicating an extraordinary antioxidant for the domestic and export markets. Theis suitable for the long day areas. Downycapacity. In addition to their important post-harvest life of the heads reducesmildew is a severe problem in productionrole for the plants, polyphenols also have losses, increases shelf-life and its freshfields in many parts of the world. It infectshighly beneficial effects on human and appearance and good taste contributes tothe leaves of the shallot, eventually causinganimal health. Studies have confirmed repeat purchases. Green Queen genetics,major losses in harvests or destroying cropsantioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects together with collaboration along the valuecompletely. Innovator is well suited to theof polyphenols (combating cardiovascular chain, is revitalizing a traditional consumerorganic market but is also very desirablediseases and atherosclerosis) as well as an market and opening new opportunitiesfor the conventional market, as it requiresimportant role in the prevention of obesity for export and processing markets. As aless crop protection. The variety offers veryand hyperglycaemia. Because of the higher source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate andhealthy propagation material as a shallotcontent of polyphenols compared to other copper, artichoke contributes to a morefrom seed, delivering a huge advantageblack soybean cultivars, and a nutritional diverse and healthy diet. compared to a shallot from set.quality identical to the other black and yellow soybean varieties, NS Blackstar belongs to the group of functional,value-added foods, with a great prospect in the food or pharmaceutical industry. EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 23'