b'INDUSTRY NEWSTAILORED TO SEED PROFESSIONALS, INDUSTRY NEWS DELIVERS THE PEOPLE, RESEARCH, BUSINESS AND PRODUCT NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW. SUBMISSIONS ARE WELCOME. EMAIL US AT NEWS@SEEDWORLDGROUP.COM.On Friday 19 March the European Group on Ethics (EGE)good fruit quality and the resistance to the New Delhi virus.published its long awaited report on Ethics of Genome Editing which is part of the overall Commission Study on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). Euroseeds welcomes that the EGE takesThe European Union and the United States have concluded nego-a differentiated approach and discusses the ethical aspects thattiations to adjust the European Unions World Trade Organisation are related to the application of genome editing in crops sep- (WTO) agricultural quotas, following the UKs withdrawal arately from those in humans, animals and microorganisms,from the EU. This is the culmination of two years of negotiations states Garlich von Essen, Secretary General of Euroseeds.in the WTO framework to divide these EU quotas, with part of the volume remaining with the EU 27, and part going to the UK, based on recent trade flows.Rothamsted Research submitted its responses to the govern-ments consultation questions on the regulation of gene edit-ing (GE) technologies. The submission argues that the currentThe Netherlands is to form the centre for global food inno-situation, whereby gene edited organisms are regulated in thevation with the Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS) in same way as transgenic GMOs, makes no scientific sense sinceWageningen. This was announced by Dutch Prime Minister the genetic changes in question could have been produced byRutte during a digital meeting of the World Economic Forum traditional breeding methods. (WEF). The GCS is part of the WEFs food system initiative to drive innovations and new technologies in the food chain that contribute to global food security. From the Netherlands, the A team of researchers and breeders from Rijk Zwaan in theGCS will manage the further development of global regional Netherlands, Spain and Italy have succeeded in developing afood innovation hubs, including the European hub in Food Valley number of high-yielding squash varieties with particularlyWageningen. RZN-adv-seedworld-wt3-210408.indd 1 08/04/2021 17:0246IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'