b'GIANT VIEWSBY: KEVIN M. FOLTATHE FUTURE OF FARMING?TECH-ENABLED INTENSIFICATION!massive growing regions. Our conduits ofcountries accepting of the practice, is transport stowaway pests and pathogensleading to rapid variety development, that spread with hurried speed. Farmmaking plants more resilient to stress, labour is increasingly scarce. Old-schoolmore efficient at water and nutrient use, crop protection chemistries have beenmore resistant to pathogens and pests phased out and many new approachesand potentially increasing yields and slowly drip toward obsolescence. nutrient content of consumer products. In short, to attain our goals of prof- RoboticsguidedbyGPSor itable production, ensuring food securitymachine vision, solar-powered robots and sustainability, we will need to dial itwill walk the fields, destroy weeds, and up, not dial it back. Innovation will be theharvest produce. Drones and rovers will cornerstone of Green Revolution 2.0.sniff the air for signature volatile com-Genome Guided Selectionallowspounds emitted by specific pathogens, plant breeders to connect a specific DNAlong before they become problematic. signature to a specific trait. This meansRovers will inventory insect populations that a scientist can examine the DNA ofand call-in spot treatments with the right a seedling and make accurate predictionssolutions. Battery technology will allow Kevin M. Folta about the fruit it will produce years downmechanized farm labour to work the field the line. Until very recently, fruit croptwenty-four hours a day.S everal trends become quickly appar- breeders made crosses and waited yearsLocal Production in Controlled ent when we engage the public aboutto test the fruit, occupying substantialEnvironmentsindoor farming seeks to agriculture. Consumers across theacreage and costing a fortune in labour,grow food where people arein urban industrialized world reject concepts likefertilizer, water, and other resources.areas. While agronomic commodities like factory and technology. There is aToday they can test thousands of seed- wheat will be unlikely to grow in confined perception that says big is bad and thelings at one time and predict the few thatspace, artificial environments are per-tiny, quaint food production methods ofare most likely to make superior fruit,fect for high value crops like herbs, small yesteryear can easily provide adequatesurvive a drought or endure intense dis- fruits, and leafy vegetables. Such opera-sustenance for a growing planet.easeovernight.tions repurpose unused city space, revi-The reality is that well need to pro- Big Data and Smart Farmingtalize forgotten neighbourhoods, employ duce more food with fewer resources, on technology such as on-farm sensorlocal workers, and supply local markets less land, using less water. It is a chal- networks will stream data to computerwith fresh produce only hours old with a lenge that will only be met with smartservers, monitoring the environmentalnegative carbon footprint.and sustainable intensification and morestate of the farm. Soil moisture, soil tem- Man believes that a retreat to old ag innovation. perature, ambient weather, nutrient statemethods and ancient practices will some-We all want a clean environment, theand the presence of pests and pathogenshow sustainably feed more people. The highest quality safe food for our families,will all be carefully analysed. Satellitesreality is that we must apply the technol-profitable livelihoods for farmers and foodwill assess plant health across the field,ogy that has transformed communication, security throughout the planet. We wantdrones will collect data on plant healthmedicine, and commerce to agriculture less food waste, lower carbon footprintsand plant stress and this data will beif we are going to feed a growing planet and a socially sensitive food system.integrated and analysed to guide deci- sustainably.But the barriers to these importantsions and implement solutions throughThe future of farming will be driven goals grow every day. With every passingautomation. by innovation. Without acceptance of minute, the area of arable cropping landGene Editinghas the opportunityemerging technologies, the growing world acquiesces to population growth. Waterto cut farmer costs, decrease insecticideis at risk. resources recede, unprecedented weatheruse and benefit farmers safety. Gene events descend devastation to individualediting is a more surgical approach toEditors Note: Kevin Folta is professor farms and strike crop production fromadjusting the genetic blueprint that, inat the University of Florida.48IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'