b"is approved for use in many Member States and some third countries, its not approved in the countries of some of Europes biggest trading partners. This sometimes means no residues, which translates to less than 0.01 mg/kg, can appear on products. 1,4 Dimethylnapthalene (1,4DMN) is a naturally occurring potato hormone which stabilizes dormancy, and then vol-atilizes away completely. Because its nat-urally present in potatoes, theres some discussion as to how maximum residues are being measured. United under the European Potato Processors'Association(EUPPA), European potato processors are currently working closely with DormFresh to find a solution, Cattoor says. Theyve made a priority list of third countries(countries which are not EU members but have the right to free movement within the EU) and are working diligently with authori-ties to come to an agreement. Due to com-petition rules, Belgapom CEO Christophe Vermeulen is not at liberty to discuss which third countries they are workingCIPC comes out of the treating pipe into the plenum while fogging a potato pile. Photo: Bill Orrwith or why. But he did say the process is ongoing. There are no bumps in the road to amove away from CIPC, opting instead permanent solution, he says. for frequency drive fans and alternative Ethylene gas offers growers anothersprout inhibitors. By the time CIPC was solution but presents challenges as well.deregulated, UK potato growers were Since it causes undesirable fry colour,already testing Biox-M and studying the its more suitable for table stock potatoeseffectiveness of ethylene.than processing potatoes. But in Belgium,If someone had asked me if I would some traders claim ethylene isnt ideal forbe confident storing potatoes without table potatoes either.CIPC, I would have been nervous and Farmers who have opted for spear- skeptical, Kitson says. But as we cur-mint and orange oil have also facedrently sit today, about halfway through challenges. Both products have a simi- our storage cycle, were making good use lar flashpoint, and fires have occurredof Biox-M, and were learning a lot about in some cases in Germany, where appli- air distribution and how the product cators insufficiently cleaned equipmentworks.between applications. In Belgium, theWhile Biox-M does work, uniform branch organization Belpotato.be workeddistribution can be a challenging, says together with Certis and UPL to draftKitson. Biox-M is a volatile product which information sheets on how to safely workmoves via airstreamit can be difficult with these new products. Both phytoto reach all corners of the storage unit.companies are currently working to getAnother downside is cost, as Biox-MCIPC comes out of the treating pipe into the cold nebulization approval, explainscosts three to four times more than CIPC.plenum while fogging a potato pile.Cattoor, which would eliminate the fireThe product needs to be applied morePhoto: Bill Orrhazard.often, too. Whereas CIPC could be applied These alternatives take some get- every six to 12 weeks, Biox-M needs to be ting used to, she says. It will take someapplied in four-to-eight-week intervals. seasons to get sufficient knowledge. In a market already under pressure, the additional costs create further stress. PRICEY ALTERNATIVE OPTIONSCurrently, the UK is sitting on a sur-As an independent potato consultant andplus, and the free-market price is not much owner of Potato Solutions, Tim Kitsonhigher than the cost of production. WithIf you wish to read more about the CIPC has been working with United Kingdomstorage costs so high, UK growers areconcerns in North America, please make potato growers for 25 years. In the paststruggling to make margins, Kitson says.sure to check out the full story on our decade, hes witnessed growers slowlyIts been a very tough year, he says.website: www.european-seed.com 40IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM"