b'Several of the companies are involved in the EU Horizon 2020 projects on organ-ics. As a company, we are involved in a few of the Liveseed projects, some involve research in seed quality, others are directed towards the complexity of organic seed introduction, says Weijland. And adds that they believe that the invest-ments in Liveseed are well spent.He also feels that EU Regulation 2018/848, which recently came into force (1 January 2021) is a step in the right direction. Although it is not an improve-ment in all instances, it does define clear actions and a target for the introduction of organic seed, he stresses.ORGANIC VS CONVENTIONAL BREEDINGBos indicates that the gap between yield in conventional vs organic varieties is get-ting smaller, depending on crop and grow-ing circumstances. And this is thanks to breeding, improved growing methods and more knowledge sharing.Van Diemen adds that the organic Anne Williams. Source Bayer Vegetable Seeds grower sector is no longer a sector of 26IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'