October 30, 2019

25 years of outreach on the CPVR system: Martin Ekvad of the CPVO Community Plant...
Scientists receive grant to study how cover crops can reduce plant disease. Learn how this...
UPOV CAJ initiates revision of UPOV EXN on essentially derived varieties to ensure protection of...
Clariant welcomes Bernd Hoegemann to the Executive Committee. Bernd brings extensive experience in the chemical...
UPOV's CAJ initiates revision of UPOV EXN on essentially derived varieties, as requested by breeder...
Belgian farmers face challenges with farm-saved seed. Kristiaan Van Laecke of the new SeedBel association...
Jon Entine discusses how biotechnology is becoming more accepted in the green sector, and how...
Research into combining geothermal heat, lettuce cultivation, and fish farming has begun. Learn how this...
Eduard Fito of Semillas Fito ISF discusses the renewal of International Seed Federation's strategic objectives,...