b'AN INSIDE LOOKFROM THE EU PARLIAMENT THE THOUGHTS OF NEWLY ELECTED AND RE-ELECTED EU PARLIAMENT MEMBERS ON THE SEED INDUSTRY, NEW BREEDING TECHNIQUES AND THE TOOLS THAT FARMERS SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO USE IN AN ERA OF UNPRECEDENTED AGRICULTURAL PRESSURE.BY: TREENA HEINP olitics and food are very intertwinedexemption and stop the patenting of life these days, and every region ofand its essential processes entirely. the world is grappling with manyIn the view of Paolo de Castro (S&D), issues, from trade wars to regulation ofdealing with food security, climate crop protection products and new breed- change and feeding a growing world pop-ing techniques (NBTs) to drought andulation sustainably requires collaboration other effects of climate change. With theand innovation among farmers, breeders most recent round of elections in the EUand researchers. Clara Aguilera (S&D) over with, we are checking in with thefocuses on the idea that seeds are at the political groups to discern how the plantbeginning of food production process and breeding and seed sector is valued. Incan provide benefits in the many different addition, weve inquired as to whetherphases of the value chain. For example, the existing regulations governing NBTswe think of a variety that is more pro-such as gene editing and tools such cropductive and has resistance to diseases, protection products should be changed,she says. However, crop breeding can and if so, how. The following EU politi- also improve trade, expand the calendar cal groups responded to our inquiries:of availability of a product, transporta-European Conservatives and Reformiststion, the improvement of fresh transport (ECR); European Peoples Party (EPP);capacity or even processing, with raw European United Left / Nordic Greenmaterials that adapt to that subsequent Left (GUE/NGL); Progressive Alliance ofphase. In short, it is essential to have Socialists and Democrats (S&D); Renewhigh-quality seeds that are, in them-Europe (RE).Annie Schreijer-Pierik (EPP) selves, high value-added products.For Ulrike Mller (RE), its impor-WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THEtant to support the seed sector so that PLANT BREEDING AND SEEDthere are a multitude of seeds in Europe, SECTOR IN EUROPE? including old varieties. Small breeders Annie Schreijer-Pierik (EPP) believesare critical in her view.plant breeding and innovative seedMazalyAguilar(ECR)iscon-production are of pivotal interest tocerned that despite its importance, the European food security, especially inplant-breeding sector in Europe is gener-the face of climate change, world pop- ally quite unknown. Our farmers rely on ulation growth, causes of migration andquality seeds, but citizens are not aware of the depletion of valuable resources likewhat breeders provide to society, she says. phosphate and water in the near futureThe seed sector is at the basis of sustaina-in some parts of the world.ble growth, and the number of new varieties Anja Hazekamp (GUE/NGL) alsoproduced every year (around 3,500) shows believes the seed sector is key to EU foodthat its contribution cannot be neglected. security, especially in the light of climateI fear that sometimes legislation does not change, at the same time the interests ofcontribute to disseminate the benefits of biodiversity, farmers and consumers mustagri-innovation. Hermann Tertsch (MEP-be protected over those of big agro-mul- ECR) views the seed sector as a great exam-tinationals. She supports a strong, inno- ple of how innovation brings forth clear vative European breeding sector thatbenefits to both farmers and consumers. operates from an agro-ecological perspec- Its evolution, from cross selection to gene tive. This means we need to invest moreediting is evidence of a lively and dynamic in breeding organic seeds and varieties,Anja Hazekamp (GUE/NGL) sector, he says, ready to contribute to the she says. We should protect the breedersUN Sustainable Development Goals.10IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'