b'TURF AND FORAGEImproving Sustainable Production of Feed and ProteinsKLAUS K. NIELSENChief Scientific Officer DLFDelivering efficient animal productionof milk and meat production, and thisCARBON SEQUESTRATION AND has traditionally been the primary focusbegins by making the right decisionsGREEN PROTEINSSEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES of grasslands in agriculture, and we arewith regard to forage. It requires that thePerennial forage mixtures reduce soil seeing an increased recognition of thedairy and meat industry take advantagedisturbance compared to annual crops Eureka: Seed Treatment and Integrated Pest Management environmental benefits of grassland sys- of locally produced forage which canlike cereals or maize. The result is carbon tems as they fit well into the green agenda.increase productivity of livestock andsequestration in the soil, improved soil NICOLAS PERRAUD Seed Applied Technology Business ManagerCorteva Agriscience bolster resource-efficient land use. fertility and less need for pesticides. Grass SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE and legumes provide home-grown protein Climate change due to greenhouseMORE MILK/MEAT WITH limiting both the need for imported protein gas emissions from agriculture can beLESS CLIMATE IMPACTand emissions from transport. Legumes reduced by promoting agricultural pro- A healthy, disease-tolerant grass mixtureare self-sufficient with nitrogen, thus ductivity, carbon sequestration, nitrogenoptimizes the forage yield per hectare. Byreducing emissions from production of fixation and local protein production.choosing seed mixtures with high digest- fertilizer. Locally produced protein offsets Forage livestock systems based onibility, milk production increases by 0.25some of the very heavy carbon emission high-quality grass and mixtures of grass,litres per cow per day for each percentageprocesses. clover and/or alfalfa incorporate threepoint of higher fibre digestibility in theThe potential for locally produced important features to maintain a sustain- forage grass. protein could reach a whole new level able agricultural production: At the animal level, the emissionwhen full-scale bio-refining plantsI ncreasing productivity of land andintensity is influenced by digestibility,become profitable, and grass proteins are livestockquality and composition of the feed ratiodigestible for monogastric livestock likeLimitinguseofinputslikewhich influences the level of methanepigs and poultry. pesticides and fertilizers and manure emissions. Making the rightBoth capital and research capacity Minimizing tillage and soil erosion decisions can result inlower releases of public and privateare invested to To offset the environmental impactnitrogen and volatile solids per unit ofdevelop and integrate technologies. It is of of milk and meat production, farmers on aproduced milk or meat. Improved genet- the essence that companies and research global level need to continuously be devel- ics and animal health contribute to betterinstitutions form partnerships to develop oping practices to limit methane emissionsconversion of feed into animal productsand provide both economically and envi-from cows, as methane is a greenhouse gasfurther reducing emission intensity atronmentally sustainable green solutions. contributing to climate change. the animal level. As a result, the same The task of agribusiness is to reduceamount of milk or meat can be produced the environmental and climatic impactwith fewer cows.CONTENT MARKETINGTechnology Changes but People DontMARC ZIENKIEWICZ EditorCreate by Issues InkWe recently lost a dear family member, andtaken on special occasions you wanted totechnology changes, but human nature several of us spent time looking throughremember and you took time to pose fordoesnt.old family photos. Some were taken backthem. Film was expensive and you onlyTechnology is what we make of it. It in the 1920sthe kind of photos youhad so much on hand, after all, so youhas no inherent value. We bring value to have to handle with care because thecouldnt be careless. Then there was theit by how we use it.photo paper has become brittle and cananticipation while you waited to get theIf we treat a digital photo as dis-easily tear if youre not careful. film processed, to see how the picturesposable, thats what it will be. If we take It felt strange to hold physicalturned out. time to preserve it by posting it to social photos in my hand. Digital photogra- Digital photos cost nothing to takemedia, or even having it developed and phy is the new norm and when someoneand are disposableindiscriminatelyframed, it takes on a new meaning.shows me a photo these days, 99% of thesnapped and easily forgotten. When creating content for your time its on a phone. But is that really true? It felt like it,businessbe it printed material, dig-We sat around and talked about howbefore we reminded ourselves that mostital material, video or podcaststake digital photos are disposable. You takeof the photos we were looking at hadnttime to think about how memorable it the picture, look at it, then file it awaybeen seen in a very long time. They satwill be. Will people find it worth spending with hundreds of others buried in yourfor years in boxes and photo albums thattheir time and/or money on? Or will it be phones memory and forget about it, if ithad been collecting dust. Theyd beenignored and forgotten about it?doesnt get deleted. mostly forgotten about, as had many ofSeemynextcolumnforsome That didnt happen with film andthe people and events depicted in them. insights on how to make your content cameras, we all agreed. Photos wereTo me, the moral of the story is thatmemorable and stand the test of time.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 23'