b"TIM ODONOVANACROSS MUIR IREANNIN A COUNTRY THAT IS EXPORT-FOCUSSED, VALUES ITS AGRICULTURE AND IS EXPANDING FOR THE FUTURE, THE IRISH SEED INDUSTRY IS THRIVING.BY: TIM ODONOVAN, TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, SEEDTECH A s we start the second decade of(8,000 ha), faba beans (7,000 ha) and theINDUSTRY BODIESthe 21st century, the opportunitiesbalance in vegetables/fruit. Most of theAt the beginning of Irelands food produc-for agriculture have never beenarable crops are used for animal feed buttion chain is the seed industry, which is greater. In order to continue our currentwe still import over three million tonnesrepresented by two bodies: Plant Variety population growth curve, mankind willof animal feed each year, mainly grainDevelopment Office (PVDO) and Irish Seed have to produce more food, fibre and fuelmaize and maize by-products, soya mealTrade Association (ISTA). using fewer inputs and with less impactand citrus by-products.PVDO (www.pvdo.ie) is mandated on the natural environment.Irelands renowned adult beverageunder Irish law (Statutory Instrument No. Luckily for us in the seed industry,industrywith famous brands such as273/2007) to administer the collection of our skills, experience and resources giveGuinness beer and Jameson whiskey royalties on certified seed (CS) and farm us an edge in mankinds quest to achieveuses about 15 per cent of our nationalsaved seed (FSS) in Ireland. PVDO is also this utopia. barley crop, and this is forecast to rise ininvolved in promotion of genetic traits Ireland sits on the northwest tip ofthe next decade. The demand for animaland the protection of breeders intellec-Europe and is known for its unspoiledfeed is also predicted to increase. There istual property rights in Ireland. It has an scenery, mild climate and friendlyalmost no commercial flour milling indus- office with experienced staff who conduct people. Agriculture is important to thetry in Ireland. desktop and farm inspections of CS and Irish economy (8 per cent of GNP) andFSS declarations and meet regularly with we feed 50 million people every year withPLANT BREEDERS' RIGHTS DAFM officials on seed business. our food exports. There are 4.5 million haIn Ireland, Plant Breeders' Rights are reg- The collection of CS (and by exten-of agricultural land in Ireland, of whichistered by the office of the Controller ofsion, FSS) royalties is reliant on accurate 370,000 ha is arable and the remaining isPlant Breeders' Rights, a corporate body,statistics which are provided to PVDO by grassland. However, in times past, therewhich is staffed by the Department ofDAFM officials and as such are extremely were greater than 1 million ha of arableAgriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM).reliable. FSS is relatively small in Ireland, land which could be rapidly convertedThe Controllers role is in the establish- comprised of approximately 10 per cent into arable crops again, if the opportunityment of the Right. Irish Plant Breedersof the arable area mainly in winter barley presents itself. Rights and EU Plant Breeders Rights areand winter wheat. Growers availing of The main arable crops grown invalid in Ireland. Fees are payable to theFSS are legally obliged to declare the ton-Ireland are barley (200,000 ha), wheatOffice of the Controller for the servicesnages to PVDO. Royalties are then passed (80,000 ha), oats (20,000 ha), fodderprovided, and renewal fees are payableonto breeders by PVDO.beet (10,000 ha), maize silage (16,000each year to maintain Rights. Ireland is aISTA (irishseedtrade.ie) is a trade ha), potatoes (9,000 ha), oilseed rapemember of UPOV. association which was founded in 1914 and represents the 16 companies that are involved in seed multiplication, dis-tribution and sale of certified cereal seed in Ireland (and is not to be confused with the other ISTA, the International Harvesting oats in Ireland. Source: Seedtech14IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM"