b'CSAR GONZALEZTechnology is the SolutionA BRIEF REPORT ON THE LATEST EU AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK CONFERENCE.BY: CSAR GONZALEZ, MANAGER PUBLIC AFFAIRS AT EUROSEEDSF or the past five years, the Directorate General forand environmental requirements, less economic support and Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) of thelow food prices. The answer to this question was provided on European Commission has organised the EU AgriculturalDay 2 of the conference, when the Commission mentioned that Outlook Conference, a gathering to analyse the challenges andonly technology can respond to rising societal demands without perspectives of the agri-food sector in Europe and its evolution.increasing food prices.The last edition took place in Brussels, from the Dec 10-11, 2019,It is in this context where my third reflection comes in, with the motto Sustainability from Farm to Fork1. about the use of technology in agriculture, and specifically The first reflection I want to share with you is that, fromabout the role of plant breeding and other seed innovations. my point of view, the title of the conference clearly capturedCompanies active in the plant breeding and seed production the current discussions at the European level. As you may havesector are amongst the most innovative in Europe and meet the noticed, the political guidelines announced by the president ofchallenging and ever-evolving needs of farmers and the rest of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, include sustainabilitythe agri-food chain, including consumer preferences and policy as the cornerstone of European development2. As part of thisobjectives.commitment, she announced a European Green Deal and a newInnovative solutions such as modern varieties ensure farm-Farm to Fork strategy, to name only a couple of measures thaters are able to maintain high stable yields and quality produc-will impact agriculture. tion while at the same time reducing the environmental impact The second idea that comes to my mind is the very interest- and addressing biodiversity (as clearly indicated in the general ing point in which the conference took place. On one hand, theprinciples of Integrated Pest Management in the Sustainable Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) discussion from the previousUse Directive)3.mandate is confronted now with the reduction of the budgetI believe that the European seed sector plays a key role (even more important due to Brexit) and the push for more envi- in meeting the global challenges such us mitigating climate ronmental requirements requested by the European Parliament.change, feeding a growing world population and supporting On the other hand, the European Green Deal is the most ambi- resource-efficient farming systems. To do so, breeding compa-tious project of this Commission, trying to make Europe the firstnies have always been at the forefront of innovation and they climate-neutral continent. To do so, the Commission will lookstrive to continue this way4.at all possible elements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,This brings me to the last point for reflection about the protect biodiversity or reduce soil and water pollution, amongstconference. On Day 1, plant breeding innovation was presented others. Finally, the new Farm to Fork strategy (expected byas one of the ways to achieve a more sustainable production. 2030) will address each and every step of the food chain, fromHowever, today, European scientists and breeders are not able production to consumption, in order to contribute to the UNto use the latest plant breeding methods to meet challenges Sustainable Development Goals. ahead (and unfortunately, it seems that this will be the case for Content wise, the conference touched upon a wide rangethe next years if nothing changes).of topics, such as the role of science and research, solutions toWe all understand that societal acceptance of new technolo-increase agricultural sustainability, how to reduce (food) waste,gies and developments is a key enabling factor and that it differs sustainable trade, social demands, food prices and the outlookfrom one person to another. Therefore, in order to provide an market for different crops and productions. Many speakers withadequate reply to the different sensitivities within our society very different backgrounds representing EU institutions, govern- while retaining the ability to innovate, the seed industry relies ments and international organisations, agri-food chain associa- on the principle of freedom of choice. By this I mean a proper tions, market experts, academics, think tanks and civil society. toolbox which includes all plant breeding innovations will allow As rightly pointed out by the organizers, the real challengeus to develop the products that farmers, consumers and society is how to combine a more sustainable EU agri-food productionas a whole demand.(for farmers and for the environment) with higher societalFrom my point of view, DG AGRI has once again held an demands (both in terms of quality and price). In other words,excellent conference. Congratulations.how to maintain farmers income with increased food quality 1https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/2019-eu-agricultural-outlook-conference-2019-dec-10_en 2 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/political-guidelines-next-commission_en.pdf 3 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32009L0128&from=EN4 https://www.euroseeds.eu/app/uploads/2020/01/20.0007-Euroseeds-seed-sector-brochure.pdfEUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 13'