b'THE RISK CORNER BY: DAVID ZARUKARE WE READY TOREWIRE AGRICULTURE?I t cant get any worse than this!and extreme weather eventsour com- communitys goals with fear and uncer-Theseweremythoughtsfortable society is indeed still living ontainty. As our social amnesia towards while watching activist journalista precipice and slowly waking up to thevulnerabilities grows, regulators and the George Monbiots vegan visionary piece,fragility that has always been there. Sopublic often dont see the need to take Apocalypse Cow, on the UKs Channel 4maybe it isnt a bad thing Monbiot real- risks to ensure a safe, productive agri-in early January, depicting farmers as theised we need to rely on science and inno- culture.main cause of every conceivable environ- vative thinkers to solve his problems. Of mental problem. Monbiot proposed solu- course, Monbiots solutionto eliminateBENEFITS OR DENIAL?tions to end agriculture in two decades.all farming in the next two decadesis aOne of the approaches I have regularly In the year since EAT Lancet and theproduct of a misguided narrative and hisadvised against is the Denial Trap. European Courts decision against newingrained fear-mongering. Whenever we deny a claim (this chem-plant breeding techniques, agricultureInnovations in agriculture (ratherical doesnt cause cancer, those cows has been rapidly portrayed as the mainthan Monbiots innovations to replacedont release much methane, that practice threat to humanity and the environment. farming) should be seen as deliveringdoesnt harm the environment, NPBTs But in crisis comes opportunity. Inbenefits to solve societys challenges: effi- arent GMOs), we are playing someone Monbiots virtue-signalled despair forcient carbon sequestration, better coverelses game and failing to put forward the a lost environment came his surprisingcrop seeds, fungal resistance, higherbenefits and opportunities of our research willingness to open up to technology. Ifyields. The list of innovation opportu- and technology. consumers are looking beyond the anti- nities grows by the day. NPBTs have theActivists know that when industry GMO rhetoric to try a plant-based burger;potential to unleash countless sustaina- falls into their denial trap, public trust if the public are demanding the necessaryble solutions and benefits.is lost. Scientists and farmers have also tools to solve the climate catastrophe; iffallen into this trap.digital farming, cover crops and climateINNOVATE OR LET HEAL? Whats needed is a focus on benefits cows are solutions to problems drivingBut opportunity attracts competition andand advances. The public wants to know our narrative; then the opportunity isnot every actor is playing the same game.innovations are making things better there for plant biologists and agronomistsIn his book The Wizard and the Prophet,(especially when activists paint the situa-to rise to the challenge. Charles Mann showed how addressingtion as perpetually worsening). If ag-tech agricultural issues took two divergentinnovations can excite the public, theyll DELIVERING BENEFITS, paths: the innovative technology pathcapture their hopes to continue to enjoy SOLVING PROBLEMS represented by Norman Borlaug and thebenefits without threatening humanity or Innovation thrives when society demandslet nature heal itself path of Williamthe environment.benefits. This is accentuated whenVogt. Seventy years later, environmen- But for this to happen, scientists will the public feels vulnerable and wantstalists and researchers are still disputinghave to leave the lab for the loudspeaker; researchers to solve their problems. Ourwhich fork in this road to take. farmers will have to leave the land for the social amnesia of the needs of just the lastEnvironmentalists today are cam- lobby. More than research problems, this generation (food security, better med- paigning to stop normal practices (stopis a communications challenge to take icines, jobs, economic growth) have ledeating meat, stop flying, stop farming,back control of the narrative. It should to a complacency towards more researchstop everything) and let nature healnot be a question of stopping farming or and innovation. My students had blankitself. In his documentary, Monbiot mar- giving up culinary pleasures but a ques-looks on their faces when I asked them tovelled at how fast former farmland couldtion of better research and innovative name the last major famine. There hasntbe rewilded in the Netherlands. I sharesolutions.been one in their lifetime. Our westernthe research positions view, however, thatThe challenges we face today will lifestyle has forgotten what want is. Aman has the innovative capacity to meetnot spell the end of agriculture and a good sign of that is how our demands forour challenges and protect the environ- rewilding of the United Kingdom (as innovation today focus on faster Wi-Fiment while ensuring a good quality of life. Monbiot dreams), but a new beginning and longer battery life. The innovation narrative is underfor researchers to rewire agriculture Growing (wealthier) populations,siege from activists playing the precau- ensuring benefits while addressing soci-biodiversity threats, climate stressestion card and undermining the researchetys concerns. EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 21'