b'Hiring andIT SEEMS IFyou turn on the news lately, youll hear more and more about a labor shortage, an excess of jobs, tech companies having to make sweeping cuts to their organiza-Retention Trendstions Its not always a positive picture painted. So: whats the status of hiring and retention in the agribusiness space?Recently, AgCareers.com completed their overlook of the 2022 year to see what the trends were in the U.S. and Canada in Shifted in 2022,terms of hiring, availability of jobs and retention. What have they noticed? A few trending shifts:Employers posted over 62,000 jobs on AgCareers.com in 2022, an increase of 12%, the site said in a Linkedin post about According tothe report. When we examined all jobs, Chemical, Pesticide and Fertilizer, was the leading industry sector and Sales/Retail was the top career type. Looking at volume of jobs and growth, Business Development/Strategic Management, Transportation/AgCareers Truck Driver, and Researcher/Research and Development were trending careers.But, more noticeably, the trend of remote work continues to increase. AgCareers reports that the number of employers posting positions in a remote/work-from-home setting increased Remote work continued to climb asover 300% from 2020 to 2022 due to the pandemic impact. However, the growth trend continues to climbthis year, candidates looked for virtual officeremote work increased 34%. opportunities.Alex Martin In addition, not only are more jobs being posted as remote work friendly, but candidates continue to look for remote oppor-tunities. When we examine job seekers keyword searches on www.ACareers.com, remote took over the top spot in 2022, a direct response to the pandemics influence on work-from-home availability, needs and job seeker expectations, AgCareers said. 6/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2023'