Seed World

Three Varieties Earn Valued AAS Winner Award


All-America Selections, North America’s oldest and most well-known non-profit plant trialing organization, is pleased to announce three new AAS Winners.

All AAS Winners are trialed throughout North America by professional, independent, volunteer judges who grow new, never-before-sold entries next to comparisons that are considered best-in-class. Only those entries that performed better than the comparisons are granted the AAS award designation.

This set of AAS Winners are:

  • Delphinium Dewy Blue F1 (Regional)
  • Pea Snak Hero (National)
  • Zinnia Holi Pink F1 (Regional)

The first AAS Winners for the 2020 garden season were announced in 2019:

  • Coleus Main Street Beale Street (National)
  • Cucumber Green Light F1 (National)
  • Echinacea Sombrero Baja Burgundy (National)
  • Nasturtium Tip Top Rose (Regional)
  • Pumpkin Blue Prince F1 (National)
  • Rudbeckia American Gold Rush (National)
  • Tomato Apple Yellow F1 (National)
  • Tomato Buffalosun F1 (Regional)
  • Tomato Celano F1 (National)
  • Tomato Chef’s Choice Bicolor F1 (Regional)
  • Tomato Crokini F1 (Regional)
  • Tomato Early Resilience F1 (National)
  • Tomato Galahad F1 (Regional)
  • Watermelon Mambo F1 (National)

Growers, retailers and consumers will find these AAS Winners for sale as supply becomes available through the distribution chain. Click on the breeding company link below to email the breeder about ordering seed. Garden communicators are free to begin writing about these varieties now to build demand.

Each AAS Winner is marketed through social media, public relations and trade shows and are proudly grown in 190 AAS Display Gardens across North America.

AAS Display gardens can be found here.