ISF Seed World 2011 – Giant Views – Brent Stirling


Brent Stirling Sales Manager

Giant Views – ISF World Seed Congress 2011

Brent Stirling, sales manager for Cropmark in New Zealand, tells Seed World about the New Zealand seed industry and what its biggest challenges and strengths are.

Seed World finds out what products and special services Cropmark offers its customers from Brent Stirling, sales manager.

As Cropmark is heavily involved in breeding, Brent Stirling, sales manager, tells Seed World more about the endophyte research the company is doing.

Brent Stirling, sales manager for Cropmark, tells Seed World what’s coming down the product pipeline in terms of breeding.

Seed World agrees that variety trial testing is a challenge no matter what part of the world you’re in—Brent Stirling, sales manager, talks about how Cropmark collects and distributes variety trial data.

Brent Stirling, sales manager for Cropmark, tells Seed World what his best advice for selling seed is.