Seed World

NAPB 2011 – Giant Views – Allen Van Deynze

UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center

Allen Van Deynze
Professional Researcher

Giant Views – NAPB 2011 Annual National Meeting

Allen Van Deynze, professional researcher at UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, discusses why the education of students is critical for the future of plant breeding.

Professional Researcher with UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, Allen Van Deynze, talks about what education programs UC Davis has available for training plant breeders.

UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center professional researcher, Allen Van Deynze, tells Seed World more about the Plant Breeding Academy.

Allen Van Deynze, professional researcher at UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, discusses the current status of funding for plant breeding research projects.

Professional Researcher with UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, Allen Van Deynze, talks about how long-term funding is critical for plant breeding and how this funding can be obtained.

UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center professional researcher, Allen Van Deynze, tells Seed World why partnerships within the seed industry are crucial for the future of plant breeding.

Allen Van Deynze, professional researcher at UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, discusses the pepper research he’s working on and how it will impact the industry.