Two U.S. Agriculture Professionals Join Inocucor as Sales Managers in Southern States

Two veteran U.S. agriculture professionals, Scott Houston and David Lilly, have joined agriculture biotech company Inocucor Technologies Inc. as sales managers in the southeastern U.S.
Inocucor produces biological soil, seed and plant accelerators that improve yields, speed maturation and promote healthier, more resilient soils and plants for organic farmers, greenhouse growers and mainstream production farmers.
A 26-year agriculture industry professional, Houston has worked in sales, marketing, management and financing in the agricultural crop protection industry for Valent USA, AgraQuest, BASF, American Cyanamid and Farm Credit Bank.
Lilly is an expert in crop selection, crop inputs, and traditional and hydroponic vegetable, specialty food, foliage and landscape production crops. He spent the past seven years at Southern Nursery and Consulting Inc. and 16 years in various sales and management positions with biotechnology company Kirin Agribusiness Division.