Bayer CropScience Launches Feed a Bee Initiative

Bayer CropScience is launching Feed a Bee, a major initiative to increase forage for honeybees and other pollinators, including growing 50 million flowers and providing additional forage acreage in 2015.
By collaborating with organizations and individuals throughout the United States, Feed a Bee will help provide pollinators with the food they need to survive and thrive, according to the company. As the world’s most heavily traveled livestock, bees are transported to pollinate crops where resources are challenged to sustain large bee populations. Bees are working harder and need more food and more food diversity.
“Reduced bee habitat has decreased food options for bees at a time when agriculture and apiculture must work together to feed more people than ever,” says Jim Blome, president and CEO of Bayer CropScience LP North America. “The Feed a Bee initiative provides opportunities for everyone to be a part of creating more forage for these amazing creatures.”
The Feed a Bee initiative will work with people across the country to grow 50 million flowers and to increase bee forage areas. People can join this initiative by visiting and requesting a free packet of wildflower seeds to plant on their own or by asking the Feed a Bee initiative to plant on their behalf. Each campaign packet contains about 200 seeds. As a result, for either seed packet planting action, a supporter will help provide honeybees with 200 additional flowers for forage.
Visitors to the site can also commit to growing their own bee-attractant plants. The site features a ticker so supporters can view campaign progress and a collection of shareable facts about bee health and gardening tips.