USDA Disappointed with EPA’s Analysis of Neonic Seed Treatments

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expressed disappointment regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s incomplete analysis on neonicotinoid seed treatments for soybeans and the burden it’s created for growers, according to a statement from the American Soybean Association.
In October 2014, EPA’s report indicated there are no clear or consistent economic benefits of neonicotinoid seed treatments in soybeans — a conclusion USDA said is not only false, but has again put growers in a position where they must defend their pest management decisions.
“As a whole, USDA disagrees with that assessment,” USDA states in a letter sent to EPA in April. “We believe that pest management strategies are made in consideration of pest pressures,  climate, landscape  and numerous  other factors.”
USDA stressed that growers should have the ability to use the best tools available to manage pests, including choice in seed treatment and pest management tactics based on what works for individual situations.
The ASA’s full news release is available here: