Since 1915: Corn, a Symbol of Agricultural Greatness

A Moment In Time 
This 1975 cover of Seed World features corn, a symbol of agricultural greatness. In this issue, S.M. McAshan Jr., who serves as chairman for Anderson, Clayton & Co., calls for “An American Food Policy” that would allow U.S. agriculture to thrive and better feed a growing global population. While the first field experiments involving GM crops were more than a decade away, his words were prophetic: “American agriculture, under maximum freedom of choice, can continue to out-produce the world. As long as the world is producing more people faster than it is increasing food production, there will always be a demand for everything American agriculture can produce.”
Facts and Figures From This 1975 Issue:
10.2 million pounds is the tall fescue and seed crop in Oregon.
27.4 million pounds of old crop seed is carried over in the United States as of June 30, the second-highest carryover on record.
$200 million is the annual revenue North Carolina farmers earn from vegetables, fruits and ornamental crops.
300,000 acres of sunflowers are planted in the Texas High Plains, a dramatic increase from just 5,000 acres the year prior.
500,000 members comprise the National FFA Foundation.