Seed World

Ag Ministers Endorse CanPAH Strategy

Federal-provincial-territorial ministers of agriculture have endorsed the Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada, it was announced today.

“Over the last year, governments, industry, academia and others who play a role in plant and animal health came together to chart a path to collaboratively safeguard Canada’s plant and animal resources through development of this Strategy,” said the Plant and Animal Health Strategy Team in a news release.

“We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this endeavour, including during the most recent consultation in April, from which we received excellent feedback on the Strategy. The Strategy was revised based on your comments and is now available online.

“It is now time to set implementation of the Strategy in motion, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to achieve the results identified in the Strategy. A key first step will be establishing implementation coordinating councils to lead implementation, as outlined in the Strategy, focused on plant and animal health, respectively.

We will continue to provide updates as implementation progresses. For more information, please email or visit”