Seed World

New Partnership Bolsters U.S. Hemp Processing

The Kansas-based IAC has completed a major hemp processing project that the company says will assist U.S. growers or large co-op organizations with innovative solutions for fertilization and mold resistance when handling hemp.

IAC was contracted to design, construct, commission and operated two (2-8TPH) hemp drying and bagging facilities starting in September 2019. IAC completed both projects in parallel with an expedited design, procurement, construction and commissioning activity that only allowed a 6 week period, due to harvest.

“During this process IAC identified a need for enhanced processing equipment to handle the wet and fibrous hemp material at the farm, through drying, extraction and ultimately seed collection,” a news release states.

IAC partnered with Agra Industries to bring to market a line of equipment to handle the wet bucking, chopping of the harvested hemp, drying of the hemp, storage and shipping of the material in various stages for extraction.

Bob Carter, President of IAC stated: “IAC has proven its ability to quickly respond to emerging markets like ethanol, bio-fuels, food processing and other industries and is rapidly gaining traction as a leader in the hemp industry. Our partnership with Agra is key to accelerating a product line that will increase yield and decrease processing times during the 2020 season.”

Hemp is utilized in many different industries and will continue to expand with the recent incorporation of the latest Farm Bill, the company noted. Ernest Hinner, VP of Sales & Marketing for Agra Industries, added: “We are excited about the partnership with IAC and the distinct synergies between the two companies. …This partnership was developed to offer protection and stability to a rapidly growing market, leading to the ROI our farmers deserve.”

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