Seed World

Sheri Strydhorst on Planning a PGDC Plenary Session

Sheri Strydhorst, chair of the Prairie Grain Development Committee, sits down with Marc Zienkiewicz to chat about planning this year’s PGDC plenary session, and the importance of what happens at the PGDC each year in terms of Western Canada’s regional variety trials. Interview conducted at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity on Feb. 28, 2023.

As chair of PGDC, she explains how her main responsibility is to ensure that the organization’s meetings and events run smoothly and efficiently.

“In terms of the plenary session, the executive collaborated with representatives from various committees to identify topics that are relevant and important to the industry. It was decided that regulatory matters and innovations in plant breeding were two key areas to focus on,” she says.

This year’s plenary featured experts who provided updates on the regulatory landscape both domestically and internationally, as well as insights into how innovation can be enabled through industry-led transparency initiatives. By keeping its membership informed about these important issues, PGDC is helping its members stay current and relevant in a constantly evolving industry, she explains.

She also talks about coordinating Alberta’s regional variety trials and how what happens at PGDC is important to the success of them.