b'CONTENT FROM CORTEVA AGRISCIENCEAndre NegreirosBENEFITS OF SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES OPENING ANOTHERSeed applied technologies dramatically reduce the amount ofIf you compare the process by which crop protection technolo-crop protection products that need to be applied. When thegies are analysed in the rest of the world with Europe, it is clear products are applied via seed treatment, besides considerablythat EUs processes are stricter. We need to see the neonics ban reducing the amount of active ingredients used, there is a sig- as an opportunity to innovate, invest resources and find new nificant increase of effectiveness in the application. This hap- solutions to address the main issues that our farmers still face pens because the product is applied in a small amount directlyin their fields. In parallel, Corteva plans to continue working on the seed: the target of pests and diseases during the cropwith the European Commission, in order to provide them with establishment. In addition, professional seed treatment drasti- scientific data to properly answer questions. We need to move cally reduces the chemical exposure of all field workers and thetogether with a good sense towards a more sustainable agricul-environment. The challenge of the industry is to keep showingture in the continent. that, year after year, the technologies and the application tech-niques are being enhanced, helping the adoption of this saferTURNING THE TIDEinnovation, says Negreiros. I believe that the industry has a very relevant role to help demystify the common-sense view about pesticides. Society CLOSING ONE DOOR. concerns are understandable and deserve proper attention and Our industry is in a constant run to bring new solutions toscientific information, says Negreiros. The industry has the address the neonicotinoids ban. Our company in 2017 registeredresponsibility to show that, nowadays, there are responsible an innovative solution to efficiently support farmers in the lackcompanies delivering technologies that address both consum-of neonics. The first registration of the product (Lumiposa) iners concerns and farmers needs. We need to start having a the EU was for oilseed rape and in its first year the product hashealthy discussion with society showing solutions, innovations been strongly recognized by farmers. New crops and countriesand proven scientific data that will help avoid misunderstandings are in the Cortevas product registration plans. We feel this willand ideological discussions. revolutionize our pest management in a more responsible way, he adds.1926 1929 1941Founder Henry A. WallaceDow hires its first femaleDows first expansion begins incorporates the Hi-Bred Cornresearcher, Sylvia Stoesser.with Dow Chemical Canada.Company, ushering in a new era of farmer acceptance of hybrid corn.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 33'