b'Cattle grazing on festulolium. stage cf ryegrass, stay green gene effect, perenniality, tolerance to extreme cold From L. multiflorum: Fast seedling establishment, very strong winter activity and early spring growth to supply vital animal needs, high seed production potential, good resistance to net blotch and Fusarium From Lolium perenne: Strong degree of persistence over 5 plus years, fast seedling establishment, strong winter activity and early spring growth and general seasonal yield to supply vital animal needs, high seed production potential, ability to be mis-managed by the grazing animal, good resistance to crown and stem rusts and net blotch and FusariumMEETING TARGETS AND FIGHTING DISEASEIn most crops, yield and resistance are paramount breeding tar-gets. How is this in Festulolium?Wolters says in Festulolium, yield and resistance are the exact characteristics that are paramount in their breeding program.According to Stirling, Cropmark seeks out the same as per the ryegrasses. Strong selection is made of these crosses for seasonal yield, and resistance to a range of diseases and increase forage quality. In New Zealand, Stirling says they are mostly concerned with selection for resistance to crown and stem rusts, net blotch, fusarium, and ergot. Wolters states for DSV, the most important diseases in Festulolium are crownrust, leafspot and snowmold. states: When looking at Festuloliums, growers are expecting to find solutions to difficulties they are facing when growing either Festucas or Loliums, either in pure stand or in the mixtures with another species. But without compro-mising with the performances they are used to when years are favourable. Therefore, products have to show top performance levels on several aspects. Festulolium plant.When it comes to diseases, Wident says they are gen-erally looking at the same diseases that are affecting the parental species: Fungal pathogens like the rust complex andFESTULOLIUM, DROUGHT AND CLIMATE CHANGEHelminthosporium. He says they are also looking very closelyStirling says Cropmark has found that some of their Festulolium at the bacterial pests, like Xanthomonas.hybrids have tolerated very dry conditions in Australia, which In terms of other breeding targets mentions thatare more extreme than one might expect in Europe.drought resistance and feeding quality are essential, togetherWolters states Festulolium is more adapted to hot and dry with the traditional productivity traits. But we also want toconditions than Lolium species, but less adapted than Festuca develop the species on other markets, working on late types forspecies. We would typically recommend Festuca species for Nordic conditions or winter growth for the South Hemisphere.those climatic conditions were Lolium is not suited anymore.Maybe one day a turf Festulolium! As a global company, our believes Festuloliums are excellent components playground is wide! in mixtures, both for conservation and grazing management. 42IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'