b'CONTENT FROM CORTEVA AGRISCIENCEIn external research trials, sunflowerIts application, located in the seed, seed treated with Lumisena showed aentails a low environmental impact, since significantly lower incidence of downyit avoids the dispersion of the product. All mildew in comparison to existing fun- regulatory studies done attested a very gicide seed treatments. In 29 researchlow toxicity on mammals and an excep-trials in fields across Europe, Lumisenational selectivity for parasitoids, pollina-showed84%fewerdownymildewtors, and beneficial predators.infected plants compared to untreatedConsequently, this helps growers plots. It has a favourable environmentalachieve strong and uniform rice stands profile if applied according to label rec- leading to a secure yield. The cultiva-ommendations. It is very effective ontion of rice will then develop a good root target organisms at extremely low usesystem that favours a strong anchorage rates and has very low toxicity to non-tar- to the land and a better use of fertilizers.get organisms, he says.DISEASE CONTROL IN CORNBUGS IN WINTER OILSEED RAPE Committed with farmers needs, our Winter oilseed rape (WOSR) is one of thecompany Corteva is excited to announce most valuable crops that helps growersDominique Marquet-Saget our new product launch, says Andre sustain their profitability over the cropNegreiros, Corteva Agriscience Seed rotations, says Istvan Racz, CortevaApplied Technologies Leader. Lumiflex Agriscience Key Account Manager. "Buta very high level of satisfaction with 87%is our new seed applied fungicide that to increase profitability and fight againstof the farmers recommending the use ofhas just received its first registration in key pests that destroy the crop, farm- this product. Farmers testify that visiblyEurope (France) in corn, to be followed ers are often shortening the intervalsstronger WOSR plants at the start of theby key countries across EU28, and impor-between foliar insecticide applications.season can significantly impact yield andtant markets such as Russia, Ukraine and This is bringing some negative conse- quality at harvest.Turkey, he adds.quences, such as an increase of produc- Farmers have been facing the chal-tion costs and pest resistance, since theCONTROLLING CHIRONOMIDSlenge of controlling the complex of dis-variety of mode of actions in the currentIN RICEeases in corn for some years now. But solutions is rather limited, he adds. Rice is one of the most valuable crops inthis battle is becoming more and more After the restriction of neonicoti- the world. Western Europe, Spain andchallenging due to some disease resist-noids imposed by the EU, farmers hadItaly are the main producers. Rice pro- ance issues and also due to the lack of a big gap in their pest control toolbox,ducers of these countries face, in somenew solutions available in this very reg-handling WOSR got more difficult andareas, damages from the rice water weevilulated market. In this context, we are the farmers job was also less effective. (aka chironomid). Consuming roots,glad to launch our new product which is a To deal with this situation welarvae of chironomids constitute the mostbroad-spectrum fungicide with excellent launched Lumiposa says Racz. Ourdamaging pest during the establishmenteffect on controlling damping off, seed-newest and broadest spectrum seed-ap- of rice cultivation in those plots whereling blights, seed rot and Head Smut, plied technology for winter oilseed rape.direct sowing is performed on a sheet ofsays Negreiros.The product is promoting fast actingwater. Farmers in the Delta Ebro area inCorn Head Smut is a major problem protection against early season insectsSpain have been fighting with this prob- in Europe, and controlling this disease including Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle,lem for a long time using various foliarrequires high rates of triazoles, but all the Cabbage Flea Beetles, Cabbage Rootapplications of insecticides (Pyrethroids)studies have shown that Ipconazole can Fly and Turnip Sawfly and this allowson adults without achieving a full control. provide the highest level of control avail-the plants to grow more vigorouslyThe Lumivia solution from Cortevaable nowadays, combined with outstand-for a stronger establishment. Thus,Agriscience is a unique, innovative anding seed safety. This is the principle of Lumiposa helps secure the yield poten- convenient seed applied insecticidethe new seed treatment fungicide for tial with a very safe environment profile,that protects rice seedlings from larvaecorn that we have launched. A premium Racz adds. damage on roots, says Dominiqueproduct to be used by specialist indus-Two years after its launch, RaczsMarquet-Saget, Corteva Agriscience Seedtrial seed processors and plant breeders. team in Hungary organized a surveyApplied Technologies Leader. FormulatedVery safe to seed and with no detrimen-with 800 farmers on their satisfactionwith chlorantraniliprole, it is the firsttal effect on plant emergence and estab-and potential positioning improvementinsecticide of this family authorized forlishment, the uncoloured formulation is for the next season. The survey coveredthe treatment of rice seeds. It acts onhighly concentrated, has a low application close to 100,000 hectares with an aver- chironomids by ingestion, causing therate, and it is ideal for tank mixing, com-age use of 85% with Lumiposa in sev- immediate cessation of feeding and thepatible with other fungicides, insecticides eral different hybrids. The outcome wassubsequent death of the affected insect. and colours/polymers, says Negreiros.1996 1997 1999Pioneer is the first to start aDow acquires 100%DuPont becomes 100% genomics effort in corn. ownership of DowElancoowner of Pioneer.and renames itDow AgroSciences.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 35'