b'CONTENT FROM CORTEVA AGRISCIENCEA NEW CENTER!!T o put money where our mouth is, we are now working on the construction of our new Center for Seed Applied Technologies, and we are very excited about that says Negreiros. It is currently being built at our Aussonne site in France. The new Center will have a total area of 949 sqm, with 182 sqm dedicated for conference room and offices, another 112 sqm for laboratories and a whopping 342 sqm is reserved for a treatment room, he adds.The conference room and offices will be used to support internal and external new product launches and trainings, including customer training.The laboratory will have several compartments, e.g. a seed biology lab, an application technology and quality assurance lab, to be used for the testing and application of multiple environ-mental conditions. It will have a planter performance evaluationBuilding layout of the new Corteva Center for Seed Applied lab (flowability, counter test and plantability). We will be able toTechnologies in Aussonne, France.do our stewardship tests there (dust-off and rub-off), but also loading tests and recipe development research. All in all, it will ensure robust and tailored crop-specific recipes.And last but not least, the Treatment Room will have dif-ferent treatment equipment, to simulate the different customer realities across the region. It also can be used for service appli-cation challenges and treatment recipes, but also to provide the best management and stewardship practices. It will allow us to carry out commercial upscale application testing and hands-on training on upstream and downstream seed treating equipment, says Negreiros.OUTDOOR DEMOSBesides the indoor facilities, the Center will also have an exter-nal demo field area. This will be used to demonstrate best practices in various areas, for example for promoting our SATs portfolio, but also to create awareness about the benefits of pro-fessional seed treatment adoption. In addition, it will also be part of the internal and external training activities of our company. According to Negreiros, the new Center, with its demo field area,Front and Side view of the new Corteva Center.will create opportunities to bring regulators and society close to Cortevas best agricultural practices! best service possible to our customers and business partners around Europe. This will be the third big C-SAT that Corteva WHY EUROPE? inaugurates globally and the first one in Europe. This close con-The reason to build this new centre in Europe is simple, saysnection with farmers and business partners, exchanging best Negreiros. Europe is an important market for Corteva SATs.practices and knowledge together, will offer new horizons and The region is a high-technology area, we have here several seedcreate innovation. What we are trying to do is to build a robust companies headquarters, and it is the region leading in manySeed Applied Technologies Centre capable of treating inter-fields of agronomic innovation. The importance of testing differ- mediate amounts of seed and perform appropriate evaluations, ent seed treatment recipes, or even simulate local environmentfocusing on the success of our production plants, downstream needs (soil, weather, living organisms (pest & pathogens)) isapplication sites, business partner needs and farmer satisfac-really important, so we want to make sure we can deliver thetion, says Negreiros.2002 2015Pioneer enters into a jointDow and DuPont announce a definitive venture to market seed corn agreement under which the companies in China. will merge before spinning off into three independent companies.36IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'