b'TURF AND FORAGEFestuloliumEvolution is Speeded up by Plant BreedingKLAUS K. NIELSENChief Scientific Officer DLFSometimes plant breeding can open newyield and feeding quality of ryegrass within Festulolium and just now 58 varieties doors by combining the best traits of twothe persistency and stress tolerance ofare included on the OECD variety list. Of species. Festulolium is a relatively newfescue in one variety. Such a combinationthese, 21 varieties originate from DLF R&D species, where plant breeders have suc- of agricultural traits is very relevant in aprogramme. Most of the varieties are clas-SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES ceeded in making a successful matchperiod of climatic changes where we havesified to the Festulolium braunii species.New Solution for Disease Control in Corn between two grass speciescreating ato keep up yields in more extreme envi- Withregistrationofthefirst new product combining the best of bothronmental conditions.Festulolium varieties, the question arose parents. The first Festulolium varieties werehow to find a suitable use of Festulolium as ANDRE NEGREIROS Seed Applied Technologies Leader CortevaFestulolium is grass genera devel- listed in the USA and the UK already innew agricultural species. In Central Europe oped by crossings between the fescue60s and 70s in the last century, but theirwe started development trials in the middle and ryegrass species. Such crossings areagricultural quality was not on level withof the 1980s, where single varieties were possible due to the close genetic affin- their parent species at that time. The firsttested in pure stands or in mixtures with ity of both genera. It is assumed, thatvarieties used in agriculture were listedRed clover and Lucerne for arable land or present ryegrass and wide leaved fescuein the end of 80s and beginning of 90sgrassland mixtures. Trials were made on species were phylogenetically developedin Germany, former Czechoslovakia andmany locations in former Czechoslovakia from the same ancestor, that was similarPoland. Most of those varieties are stilland Poland from lowland up to mountain to present fescues. Festulolium speciesavailable in the market. areas, and these trials resulted in recom-are known from the nature as result ofAt present, three Festulolium spe- mendations for mixtures suited for a wide random crossings between ryegrassescies are available for agricultural purpose: agricultural range under Central Europe and fescues. But up to now, naturally Festulolium braunii (Loliumclimatic conditions and managements. developed Festuloliums has problemsmultiflorum x Festuca pratensis) Now single Festulolium varieties with fertile seed production. This is Festulolium loliaceum (Loliumare stabile components of a wide range where R&D and plant breeding are ableperenne x Festuca pratensis) of mixtures well accepted by farmers in to speed up the selection process of suit- Festuloliumkrasanii=Central European countries. Farmers able Festulolium genotypes for agricul- Festulolium pabulare (Lolium multi- in other European countries have also tural purpose. florum x Festuca arundinacea)embraced this new forage species as an The motive for Festulolium plantMany grass breeding companiesinteresting choice, when climatic condi-breeding is to combine the excellentworldwide have breeding programmestions requires innovative managements.CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSWhy Grow High-Oleic Sunflowers?THIERRY ANDREHead of ResearchSoltisWithin Soltis, we started working onother diseases that are affecting sun- premium are there, many farmers want High-Oleic (HO) sunflower varieties inflower. But on the flipside, there are also ato grow HO sunflowers. And sometimes the late 90s and a first generation offew challenges to breeding HO sunflower.it happens that in those cases there is hybrids was released in 1998. The secondThe first challenge was to stabilize thenot enough seeds for all of them. Farmers generation of hybrids with an improvedoleic content at a high level, irrespectivewant to grow the HO sunflowers because agronomical profile and higher oleic con- of the environment which was not easy forit increases their profitability thanks to tent, above 85%, was launched in 2004- cooler environments. Then, because ourthe premium. Other benefits are that 2006.main breeding effort is with conventionalHO sunflowers have a similar field per-There are several benefits of HO sun- sunflower, genetic improvement and inno- formance as conventional varieties and a flower hybrids. First of course, it is thevation are more often on that side of thehigher price for the grain (10% or more). oil composition! which provides a morebreeding. You need then to transfer thisThere are also benefits for consum-stable oil, less oxidability, especially forgenetic improvement in the oleic pool byers, because the oil is a very polyvalent frying usages. And not to forget, also theconversion. In terms of further breedingoil, with a good nutritional profile, rich shelf life of the seeds is increased becausefor oil composition, wed like to decreasein vitamin E and phytosterols, just like of this HO feature. I am proud to say thatthe level of saturated fatty acids, in orderconventional sunflower oil. our Euralis HO varieties stand out fromto get an increased nutritional value.the competition because we target highOne thing that we noticed is that HO levels of oleic content, towards 88%. Andsunflower is strong in France but is not we build this into a genetic backgroundreally taking off in other countries and with very good agronomic value and anwe speculate that maybe the demand excellent trait package, such as resist- of this type of oil is not so high for the ances to downy mildew, broomrape, andmoment. But when the demand and the EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 49'