b'INSIDERSSEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESNew Solution for Disease Control in CornANDRE NEGREIROS Seed Applied Technologies Leader CortevaCommitted with farmers needs, our com- Corn Head Smut, Sphacelothecaspecialist industrial seed processors and pany CORTEVA is excited to announcereiliana, is a real problem in Europe. Theplant breeders. Very safe to seed and with our new product launch. Lumiflex isdisease develops systemically within theno detrimental effect on plant emergence our new seed applied fungicide that hasplant and its development gets favoredand establishment, the uncolored formu-just gotten first registration in Europeby low soil moisture and warm temper- lation is high concentrated, has a low (France) in corn. The next goal is to getatures, around 2228C. The main issueapplication rate, and it is ideal for tank registration in the key countries acrossis that corn cultivars vary significantly inmixing, compatible with other fungicides, EU28, but also in other important mar- their resistance and even though Headinsecticides and colors/polymers.kets like Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Smut is primarily soil-borne, it can alsoThe trial data have proven that The challenge controlling the com- be seed-borne. Besides that, they behaveipconazole is mostly superior to regis-plex of diseases in corn are somethingas teliospores, which can survive severaltered products in the market. It has a that farmers face since several years.years in the environment, and infects theproven track record on corn in North But this battle is becoming more andgrowing point of the young seedling. America, since 2007, and moreover, has more challenging due to some diseaseAll around the world, controllingbeen submitted to 25 tested cultivars resistance issues and also to the lack ofCorn Head Smut requires high rates ofaround Europe and almost 70 trials. In new solutions available in this very reg- triazoles, but all the studies in the areathose, it has presented no negative effects ulated market. In this context, we arehave shown that Ipconazole can provideupon crop yield and also upon crop qual-glad to launch our new product which is athe highest level of control available now- ity metrics such as cellulose, starch, fat, broad-spectrum fungicide with excellentadays, combined with outstanding seedash, protein, HLW, TGW, digestibility and effect on controlling damping off, seed- safety. This is the principle of the newfiber.ling blights (Rizoctonia solani, Fusariumseed treatment fungicide for corn thatAlready in the 2020 season, the moniliforme), seed rot (Penicillium,has been launched by our company. product is expected to be part of the best Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Cladosporium)Lumiflex is a premium fungicideseeds in the market.and Head Smut(Sphacelotheca reiliana). seed treatment product to be used by CONTENT MARKETINGQuit Using Your Wedding Photo as Your Headshot LESLEY NAKONECHNYGraphic Designer Create by Issues InkAs a graphic designer, Im often sentA headshot is also your first impres- neededyou guessed itmy headshot headshots to use in our magazines orsiontake a look at your currentfor a press release. It felt great that I had online. Ive seen some great photos crossLinkedIn photo; are you still using thatone handy to send.my desk, as well as some cringe-worthyheadshot from that wedding party youUnsure where to start if you dont ones. Things like poor lighting, cell phonewere in years ago? That photo is part ofhave a headshot? Theres always Google, selfies, and poorly cropped weddingyour brand, similar to how a logo is tobut you could ask colleagues within your photos all make you look unprofessional. your business. Consider this: would younetworks if they have a photographer So, why are professionally takenget a haircut from a stylist who lookedthey could recommend. Remember to headshots so important when you canunkept or kept their station messy? Youtry and get a good sleep the night before get your buddy with a digital camera tomightbut only once, I bet. your photoshoot, wear clothes suited for take a photo of you? A pro knows theirThe beginning of this year, I decidedyour industry (and get that dress shirt craftcomposition, lighting, and howto get new headshots taken, even though Iironed if thats part of it), and consider to pose a subject. Its their job to makedidnt have an urgent need for them, andhaving your hair done on the day of. I you look great. Professionals (like you,couldve easily justified not spending theknow, it sounds over-the-top, but your remember?) seek out other profession- time or money. This past week I foundfirst impression counts!als because they know the ins and outsout I got accepted into a week-long artist of the job. residency this summer; the organization 48IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'