Seed World

3 Articles That Myth Bust the Seed Industry

hand is turning two of four cubes, changing the word FACT to FAKE on wooden background

This year, European Seed addressed some of the biggest myths in the industry. These myths included consumer trends and perceptions on agriculture policy, the organic farming versus conventional farming debate and more.

Learn more about some of the most pressing misconceptions in the seed sphere in 2022 and how to identify them with three of our top myth busting articles.

How to Define Fake News, Misinformation and Disinformation

In this European Seed series on Myths, Fake News, Misinformation and Disinformation, we dive deeper into the matter and put the spotlight on various aspects. In this second article, we take a look at the various types of myth and fake news, and what sets them apart.

Organic and Conventional Farming Aren’t as Different as You Think

Despite the individual benefits of organic and conventional farming, there remains a long-going argument between the two, but there isn’t anything versus when comparing, according to Nate Powell-Palm, owner of Cold Spring Organics. As farmers try to get high yields and clean fields, the set of tools used for the varying types of farming are the greatest difference.

How Consumer Trends Affect Ag Policy

You’ve heard the saying the customer is always right, but is that always true? When governments are making new policies regarding agriculture who are they listening to — consumer preferences or the actual facts? Are they listening to science when making new agriculture policy and if not, what affect is that having on the agriculture industry?

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