Seed World

FMC Corporation Supporting Youth Agribusiness Opportunity In Kenya

FMC Corporation announced a $1.5 million investment to support Generation Unlimited’s Engaging Kenyan Youth in Agriculture and Nutrition (EKYAN) program according to a release. FMC is an agricultural sciences company and the program will support youth employment opportunities in agribusiness as well as help smallholder farmers economic livelihoods across the country of Kenya.

Generation Unlimited (GenU) is a public-private-youth partnership to help expand education, training and employment opportunities to youth, the first of its kind in the world. FMC is supporting the pilot program for GenU’s EKYAN program. The program’s goal is to develop agripreneurs and bring extension services to smallholder farmers across Kenya.

“We are keenly aware of the food crisis devastating countries throughout Africa and the globe. Investments in youth and agriculture are necessary to strengthen agri-food systems, increase global food security and bring long-term economic stability to the region,” said Mark Douglas, FMC president and CEO. “FMC is proud to be the first major corporate partner to support GenU’s EKYAN program. We’re excited to contribute to their work to prepare young people for a future in agriculture and make a meaningful difference in the lives of Kenyan farmers, and ultimately, the health and wellbeing of people throughout Africa.”

The beginning of the program will set up Centers of Excellence (CoEs) across Kenya. The CoEs will provide extension services to youth and allow them to have access to technology, training, and quality inputs. The CoEs will also be supporting local schools and agriculture clubs with youth ages 10 to 24 through Kenyan Ministries of Agriculture, Education & Youth.

According to the U.S. Agency for International Development, in Kenya, more than 40% of the total population and 70% of the rural population are reliant on agriculture for their livelihoods. Many small farmers are struggling due to rising input prices, climate change and limited market access. Local food production and farmers’ incomes will be helped by the EKYAN program. The program will help with using data driven farming practices and new technologies, will adding employment opportunities to the area and the chance for youth to get involved in agribusiness.

“This partnership will create a generation of young agripreneurs with the skills and real-world know how to boost yields, increase incomes and create jobs for the community,” said Kevin Frey, CEO of Generation Unlimited. “With youth driving innovation within food systems, local economies will benefit from sustainable transformation in the agribusiness sector.”

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