Early Registration for NAPB’s Annual Meeting Ends May 20

The National Association of Plant Breeders will host its 2017 annual meeting Aug. 7-10 at the University of California, Davis. Early registration for the meeting, which brings together plant breeders from the public and private sectors to learn the latest issues, share ideas and network, ends Saturday, May 20.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Diverse Crops — Diverse Challenges.” Interested individuals are encouraged to learn more and register at Registration costs $400 per person for members and $500 per person for non-members. Students receive a discount rate of $100 for members and $150 for non-members.

The conference is packed with speakers, discussing a range of topics. A few of the speakers and their topics include:

  • Increasing genetic gain by reducing ploidy in potato by Shelley Jansky, a research geneticist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service and professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
  • Accelerated plant breeding through chromosome manipulation by Isabelle Henry, project scientist at the UC-Davis Genome Center.
  • Germplasm morgue or gold mine? Enhancing the value of plant genetic resource collections for plant breeding by Patrick Byrne, Colorado State University professor of plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology.
  • NIFA’s vision: Plant breeding for future agriculture by Parag Chitnis, deputy director at USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

A number of other speakers have also been confirmed, so be sure to check the website to get the full listing.