Seed World

Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products: Honorable Mentions


Lalfix Start Spherical Pea and Lentil, Lallemand

Launched in Nov. 2020, Lalfix Start Spherical is a three-strain inoculant that fixes nitrogen and increases phosphorus available in the rhizosphere. It is specifically geared toward peas and lentils and can improve plant health and elevate planting application. 

Tiros, Unium Bioscience Limited

Commercialized spring 2021, Tiros is a biological seed treatment with bacterial endophytes that fix atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize phosphorous. This allows growers to be more sustainable when achieving better nutrient use efficiency. Not only that, but it improves yield with reduced artificial fertilizer. 


Cannabis F1 Hybrid Seeds, Better Seeds

Better Seed’s Cannabis F1 Hybrid seeds were first commercialized in March 2021. The goal was to replace the need to clone cannabis seed and to enable consistency and uniform growth, which saves growing acres and labor. Not only that, but the F1 Hybrid seeds allow growers to meet cannabinoid levels and enjoy stable seeds like other crops.

Double Team Sorghum Cropping Solution, S&W Seed Company

S&W’s Double Team Sorghum Cropping Solution is the first broad spectrum post grass control solution in sorghum. Launched in May 2021, it controls grasses in grain sorghum as a post emergence application. It allows growers to grow sorghum in areas where they might have been forced to abandon acres due to the inability to control emerged grasses.

ES Capello Protect, Lidea  

A biological strategy, ES Capello combines two varieties of rapeseed in the same bag — up to 93% ES Capello and 7% ES Alicia. ES Alicia flowers 10 days prior to other varieties, which draws in pollen beetles that can reduce yield. Instead of attacking the main strain ES Capello, ES Alicia plays the role of a natural trap. 

Radix Wintergreen, Radix Evergreen

Commercialized in Sept. 2021, Radix wintergreen is a permanent perennial ground cover for corn, soybean, vineyard and orchard production. It germinates quickly in the fall and grows throughout the winter and early spring to produce a low growing ground cover. The cover facilitates soil stabilization, water percolation and weed suppression. 


AYOS Molecular Test, Ayos Diagnostic

Launched in the summer of 2020, Ayos Diagnostic’s AYOS Molecular Test is designed to quickly identify what variants or pathotypes of Phytophthora root rot are presents in a grower’s field with a simple field test. That way, proper resistant varieties can be used in the following year to fight the disease. 

Climate Planning Platform, ClimateAi

ClimateAi’s enterprise climate planning platform uses artificial intelligence to help seed companies make optimal decisions throughout the year based on weather and climate — anywhere from one day to 40 years out. Not only that, but ClimateAi can work to a crop or variety-specific level as well as a regional, field-level.

Malted Hemp Hearts, Newfields Consulting

Used to make high protein powders, hemp drinks, creams and oils, Newfields Consulting’s malted hemp hearts provide a new aspect to the hemp industry. By using special equipment called drum malting, you can control the color and texture of the malted hemp hearts. 

Sirrus Suite, Proagrica

Launched in July 2021, the Sirrus Suite extends the functionality beyond an iOS system to include Android, and to a web app to manage in-field agronomy data, including scouting, soil sampling, crop inputs and harvest data. It allows agronomists to store and share data easily and improve workflow from planning to execution.

Tamia OPTIMUM, Tamia Pack

Tamia OPTIMUM is an FIBC (big bag) filling station with a built-in vacuuming module. It allows the preservation of seeds and grain thanks to an automated vacuum packing process and can enable precise control of vacuum level and inert gas injection. It can vacuum pack approximately 20 tons per hour in big-bags with just a single operator.

Visual Phenotyping Resource Planner, Alteia

Commercialized in Dec. 2020, Alteia’s Visual Phenotyping Resource Planner allows the planification and monitoring of all sensor resources (i.e. drones, robots, etc.), data collection tasks and trait analysis. This enables both a standardization and full automation over plots for phenotyping of the different sites and trials of a selection program. 

Want to Catch Up on the 10 Most? Check Out:

Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products: Treatments

Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products: Traits

Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products: Technology