ISF Seed World 2011 – Giant Views – Jean-Pierre Posa


Jean-Pierre Posa President

Giant Views – ISF World Seed Congress 2011

Jean-Pierre Posa, president of ANPROS, tells us more about the Chilean Seed Trade Association known as ANPROS.

Jean-Pierre Posa, president of ANPROS, gives us an update on current regulatory processes, such as intellectual property laws, within Chile’s seed industry right now.

Jean-Pierre Posa, president of ANPROS, explains how ANPROS works together with the Seed Association of the Americas, and what issues they are currently working on.

Jean-Pierre Posa, president of ANPROS, talks about what work ANPROS is doing in regards to international trade issues such as adventitious and low level presence.

Phytosanitary issues are critical for the Chilean seed industry. Jean-Pierre Posa, president of ANPROS, explains why and also talks about the role that re-export of phytos play.

Jean-Pierre Posa, president of ANPROS, talks about the issues that will be discussed at the third Seed Congress of the Americas being held in Chile this fall.