ISF Seed World 2011 – Giant Views – Robert Clark


Robert B. Clark President & CEO

Giant Views – ISF World Seed Congress 2011

As Pickseed Group is comprised of several business units in Canada and the US, President & CEO, Robert Clark gives Seed World an overview and explains how he manages the different brand names.

Pickseed’s production is diversified across Canada and the United States, covering approximately 90,000 acres. President & CEO Robert Clark talks about the advantages/disadvantages to that as well as how the severe weather conditions this past year (drought and flooding) are impacting production.

Pickseed is the only turfgrass and forage crop seed company to be integrated across the Canada/US border. Robert Clark, President & CEO, talks about the challenges/opportunities this presents.

Robert Clark, President & CEO of Pickseed Canada, explains the company’s wholesale business and what unique challenges and opportunities it presents in today’s business environment.

Robert Clark, President & CEO of Pickseed Canada, talks about how the seed company-customer relationship is changing today.

Robert Clark, President & CEO of Pickseed Canada, tells Seed World if the company has felt the impact of the recession in the turfgrass sector and what the timeline is for recovery.