Register for Pacific Seed Association’s Annual Convention

Registration is now open for the Pacific Seed Association’s 2015 annual convention, which will be March 2-4 in Maui, Hawaii.
Participants will hear hear from the American Seed Trade Association’s Pat Miller with respect to it’s activities and learn about the diversity of agriculture on Maui from the Maui County Farm Bureau. Additionally, Leonard Gianessi of CropLife Foundation will give a presentation on the importance of biotechnology and pesticides for feeding the world and another session will focus on the pros, cons and political climate surrounding biotechnology on the Hawaiian Islands.
Registration costs $550 for PSA members and $750 for non-PSA members. As part of the convention, attendees can earn certified crop advisor credits.
During the meeting, participants will also have the opportunity to tour Monsanto’s research station in Kihei and an HC&S Sugarcane plantation.
PSA is a western regional non-profit organization of individuals, firms and corporations actively connected with the seed industry and its allied branches.
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