New Gene Drive Technology May Allow Control of Pesticide-Resistant Pests

When a mosquito with a gene drive mates with a wild-type mosquito, the CRISPR mutation (blue) can potentially spread quickly through a population.

The idea of introducing a novel gene into a few individuals that then spreads through an entire population sounds like a premise for science fiction. And yet fiction can be prophetic.
Cornell researchers have used mathematical models to illuminate the promises – and potential problems – of a new genome editing mechanism, called a gene drive.
The mechanism has been long discussed but only recently demonstrated in fruit flies in labs at the University of California, San Diego, using genome-editing technology called CRISPR.
The gene drive mechanism may allow scientists to control malarial mosquitoes or pesticide-resistant pests, for example, by using CRISPR to introduce a mutation (allele) into a few individuals in a population and have that mutation quickly spread through the entire population. But researchers fear such gene drives could have unintended consequences, such as spreading into an unintended species.
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