The global seed industry convened in Punte del Este, Uruguay, for the International Seed Federation’s World Seed Congress. Here are some of the highlights.
For his commitment, dedication and leadership within the seed industry, the International Seed Federation honoured Tim Johnson of Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc. (IFSI) with an Honourary Life Membership during the 2016 World Seed Congress in Punte del Este, Uruguay, May 15-18._x000D_
“They say that it’s the people you will remember,” said ISF president Alvaro Eyzaguirre, who presented the award. “One man I will certainly never forget is past president Tim Johnson. His dedication and drive for innovation touches everyone who meets him._x000D_
“You might remember that he assumed the role of ISF secretary general when he was ISF president — something that makes him truly unique in the long line of ISF presidents._x000D_
“He basically kept ISF on track during some testing times. I would like to recognize Tim’s exceptional service and unwavering support for the International Seed Federation with an Honourary Life Membership.”_x000D_
Johnson, who began his work in the seed industry in 1976 as an hourly employee with AgriPro Biosciences, Inc., served as ISF president from 2012 to 2014. It wasn’t until 1993 that he joined IFSI, a research, product development, licensing and production company, as vice-president of marketing. Today, he is president of the SGI Field Crops Division, based in Lafayette, Indiana._x000D_
Through the years, Johnson has been active at the national and international levels. All two-year terms, he served as ISF president, first vice-chair and second vice-chair._x000D_
At the national level, he has served as chair of the American Seed Trade Association’s Corn and Sorghum Seed Division, ASTA Board of Directors liaison to ISF and he’s been active on numerous committees. Additionally, he has served on the board of directors for the American Seed Research Foundation and the U.S. Grains Council._x000D_
In his speech, Johnson thanked his family, his seed company and ASTA for their support. “Always remember: better seed, better life,” he said._x000D_
New Product Launch_x000D_
During the Congress, Syngenta launched EPIVIO, a biological seed treatment, which adds cold, drought and nutrient management to the Seedcare portfolio._x000D_
“Genetics and seed-applied technologies can now be researched at an integrated level — here at ISF we are displaying in ‘virtual reality’ how soil productivity can make crops more efficient, stress tolerant and higher-yielding,” said Martin Faerber, global commercial head of Syngenta Seedcare._x000D_
Since 2012, Syngenta has built a new research and development platform, focused on abiotic stress management. This includes new research testing capabilities with a specific research team looking at biological potential and focusing on drought/cold/nutrient stresses in the field._x000D_
According to Faerber, it’s important for Syngenta to showcase its new products by engaging customers in novel ways. That’s where the virtual reality experience comes in and participants were asked to take a tour below ground. “We are taking Seedcare to a new dimension,” says Faerber._x000D_
Syngenta as a whole is entering this new dimension, as its much-publicized takeover by ChemChina continues to make headlines. It’s all in a day’s work for Faerber, who’s getting used to the always-present media attention that’s been hovering over the company in recent months._x000D_
“The Syngenta board has recommended the offer which is subject to regulatory approvals. We expect the transaction to close by year end,” he says._x000D_
Passing the Torch_x000D_
During the general assembly, delegates voted in a new president — Jean-Christophe Gouache of Limagrain._x000D_
Gouache will serve a two-year term as president. In this role, he is responsible for implementing the ISF 2020 plan, which focuses on innovation, the movement of seed, intellectual property rights, biodiversity and engagement._x000D_
A member of the seed industry for 35 years, Gouache is familiar with the issues of the seed industry._x000D_
Within Limagrain, he is vice-president for international affairs and chairman of the Scientific Affairs Committee. Additionally, he has served on the Executive Committee since 1998._x000D_
“First, I would like to thank you for the trust you expressed in nominating me as your president for the next two years. It’s an honour for me to serve ISF and to serve the global seed industry,” Gouache said. “Now that we have our ISF strategic objectives in place, along with an organized vision and mission, we are in a much stronger position going forward.”_x000D_
As first vice-president, Gouache was responsible for leading the development of the ISF Strategic Objectives: 2016-2020. He credits Alvaro Eyzaguirre’s, ISF president 2014-16, foresight for creating increased continuity and a seamless transition._x000D_
“The work of ISF can only be as strong as the participation of its members,” he said. “As your new president, I’m counting on your support during the coming years. I look forward to taking on the tasks you have asked of me.”_x000D_
The 2017 Congress_x000D_
ISF, in partnership with the Hungarian Seed Association, will host its 2017 World Seed Congress May 22-24 in Budapest, Hungary._x000D_
Historically, Hungary has bridged eastern and western Europe and today prides itself on the preservation of traditions while embracing future innovations, according to the National Organizing Committee._x000D_
The congress is designed to connect east and west, north and south and fill gaps; hence, the theme is “Growing Beyond Bridges.” The Danube flows through Budapest with bridges connecting the hilly Buda in the west and the flatter Pest in the east._x000D_
About 70 per cent of the land in Hungary is suitable for agriculture. The country is a premier producer of sunflowers and also relies on maize and wheat._x000D_
Hungary is a leading producer of paprika and Pálinka — a local brandy made from fruits, such as plums, apricots, apples, pears and cherries. Additionally, thanks to its favourable climate, soil health and infrastructure, seed production is a known tradition._x000D_
Registration will open Jan. 10, 2017, at Companies interested in sponsorship packages should email